<p>Okay, I bought two books, one on the SAT subject test for us history and the other on biology e/m. Would I be able to get 700+ by just reading these two books? I take AP Biology at the current moment and I kinda suck at it but I am picking up some helpful things that would bode me well. I also am taking AP Government. Basically, I'm just curious if I could do substantially well on the subject tests with just self-studying from the books I got or does it take more than just the books? I'm not that good at AP Biology just so you know but I want to take the subject tests b/c some of the things I learn will be fresh in meh mind.</p>
<p>Well it can definitely be done. For extra practice and to see where you stand, you may want to consider the free practice tests available at [SAT</a> Subject Tests: SparkNotes Online Study Guides & Test Preparation](<a href=“http://www.sparknotes.com/testprep/sat2/]SAT”>http://www.sparknotes.com/testprep/sat2/). By the way, which books did you get? Some are better than others, of course. I would say AMSCO for US History offers the best preparation possible.
Still, if you end up feeling uncomfortable with any of these subjects, you can still switch by test day to something like math or literature if you turn out to be good at one of those, and they might require a lot less preparation in terms of reading those books.</p>
<p>Both of those are fairly detail-oriented tests that will require a lot of studying, especially us history. If you want to take tests that rely more on skill than knowledge, try Lit or Math2</p>