Could I get admitted...Texas A&M and New SAT

Hello Everyone!

Short Problem

With the new SAT coming up, should I take the classic SAT (since I can take it during its final year) or should i prepare to take the new SAT ( coming in May) if my ultimate goal is to get Academic admissions at Texas A&M (since the rule of required SAT scores may change)

Explained problem

So I want to go to Texas A&M. I am a Junior this summer, (graduate in 2017). I want to get into TAMU using academic admissions.

Academic Admits

Applicants qualify for automatic academic admission (but not necessarily to the major of choice), if they:

successfully complete Texas A&M's required coursework, and
rank in the top quarter of their graduating class on or before the application deadline, and
achieve SAT or ACT test score minimums (including Writing scores), and
    *combined SAT score of at least 1300 (Math and Critical Reading) with at least a 600 in each of these components, or
    composite ACT score of at least 30 with at least a 27 in the Math and English components,

satisfy the State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy, and
ensure all required documents are received by the application deadline.

My goal was to move from the top 30% to the top 25% of my class, and try to get academic admissions with good SAT scores. I completed my high schools required graduation plan (except for English 3 & 4). Should I still plan on taking the SAT for academic admissions? Should I study for the new or original SAT? should I take both? Ore should I just study for the ACT and hope that they don’t change the requirements.

Answers appreciated in advance.

Well, you have options. Take all three- take the old SAT this fall, the new SAT this spring and the ACT. See which one you do better on.

One thing you are not mentioning- PSAT. If you think you can score high enough on the PSAT to qualify for National Merit, you should focus on that.

Two of my three sons did significantly better percentile-wise on the ACT than on the SAT.The new SAT is supposed to look more like the ACT than the old one. That means they should be testing knowledge more than tricky test questions in a stressful situation. There are no penalties for guessing on the ACT either; I don’t know about the new SAT. Finally, you don’t need additional subject matter tests on the ACT like on the SAT. Since 2012, more people take the ACT than the SAT. That should be a good clue as to why the SAT is changing.

One other thing, the best ACT prep book is the one published by the ACT, with real test questions. There is nothing comparable from College Board, which designs and offers the SAT. The Real ACT is cheaper, offers subject by subject review, and like I said, five actual exams, plus two more practice tests. If you can find it without the CD for less, grab it. The CD is a college “guide.”

I suggest that you take the ACT as soon as possible after the PSAT. The PSAT is basically a shorter version of the SAT. Colleges take either exam, and you don’t have to send in your scores from the test on which you performed worse. Once you decide which exam is for you, then focus on that one.

I took the PSAT last year, but do you recommend taking it again? I know I could do alot better this time around, but I would need to study for the New SAT to do that.

Also, I though the ACT was a test that if you study for the SAT, you woudl do fine on the ACT. Is that true?

@lessonwitch2 - Not necessarily true. SAT study can help, but the ACT covers higher level math than does the SAT. Also, the ACT has a Science section, not on the ACT.

Okay I get it. So right know (this summer) I already may my web browser have SAT question of the day and ACT math question of the day. And 2 times a week, I will do a study session for both for 60 mins where I will take practice test and research the test. Do you recommend any ACT websites to practice?

@lessonwitch2 Decide when you are going to take the ACT. Buy the Real ACT for $20. Set up a study plan that will allow you to cover all the review material and take all the practice tests by one or two weeks before the exam. In the one or two weeks before the exam, review all the questions you missed and go over the related review material. Texas A&M requires the ACT writing exam, so don’t forget to register for the full ACT plus writing.

The practice exams take 3-4 hours, so you need to work harder than a practice question a day and two 60-minute study sessions. My sons put in 8-10 hours a week for a couple of months before the exams. The SAT would require about the same effort. That’s why I don’t recommend studying for both tests at the same time. Further, you will be very busy once school starts, Junior year is your most important year for getting into your college of choice. You will need to be working hard on your entrance exams the rest of the summer and during fall and winter breaks.

I was thinking to take

Psat - October

SAT 1 - January (old SAT)

SAT 2 - March (new SAT)

ACT - May

Since I want to take the test in almost 9 months, should I start studying for the ACT now? Because I was thinking about trying again for national merit scholar. And My school makes it madatory that we take the new SAT. But right now the reason I wanted to try both was becuase I don’t know if TAMU will change their automatic admissions rule. it originally said you needed a 1300/2400. Now it seems like 1300/1600. That seems a little unrealistic so I wanted to be prepared for if they change the rule.

Do you think a good Idea would be to Study for the SAT mainly, with a little ACT studying until october. Then practice each section of the ACT(math, reading, writing, essay, science) for one month (ending March) then (after I take the 2nd SAT) only study for the ACT.

Final question, do you think I’m just being stubborn and should just make a choice?

Sorry when I said may, I meant April

A couple more things. Like most colleges,TAMU makes you take the full SAT, but really only cares about your scores on the Math and Critical Reading sections. A perfect score on these two sections is 1600 and you need 1300 for Academic Admission. Nothing will change after the new test starts. You will still need 1300 out of 1600.

Second, do not study separately for the PSAT. The PSAT is just a short (7 parts vs. 9 parts) version of the SAT. Sign up for the October 3 SAT. Study as hard as you can for that. Then you should be as ready as you will ever be for the PSAT a couple weeks later. Normally, you will register for the PSAT at your high school and take it at school during the school week. National Merit selection is based exclusively on your Junior year PSAT. Last year’s test was really just for practice.

If you crush the PSAT and SAT, you are done. If you still want to try to boost your SAT score (you only get one shot at PSAT), register for later tests. January 23 is popular because you can study over Christmas break.

Don’t take the SAT more than three times, unless you only need a very few points to hit 1300. Instead, focus on the ACT. By starting the cycle in October of your Junior year, you will have lots of opportunities to get the scores you need.

Good luck to you!

Thank you so much for the advice. So to make sure I understand, here is my current plan…

This summer - I’ll study for the SAT.
August to October - Register for the October 3rd SAT & take the PSAT October 14th
November to January - Study to take the SAT again (for a better score) in January
February - May - Study fro the ACT using the Real SAT book
June - If I don’t like one of my scores, retake the exam during summer

Just one man’s opinion, but I think you have it. You will also have the chance if you need it to take either exam again in September or October 2016. But do get your A&M application in by August 1, 2016, if you need to go through holistic review.

thanks you again… wish me luck!

There are no SATs during the summer. There is one in early June and one in September. So if in post #10 you mean take in June, then yes. There is an ACT and an SAT in June.

Also if you feel ready, there is an SAT in December.

But do not forget to keep your grades and rank up.