Could I get into BROWN&RISD?

<p>Some of you may know that Brown and RISD are launching a joint program next year. It is a 5 year program for students who want a BFA from RISD and a bachelors from Brown. To qualify, you must get into both schools. I would like to know what my chances of getting into this program is, and what I can do to improve. (I am a junior)
(somewhat like the tufts/bostanmuseumschool.)</p>

<p>Although both schools are very competetive, I am not as worried about RISD as I am about Brown.</p>

<p>I have a mediocre GPA. I have taken honors and AP classes, and my current grades are at a 4.1. However, my cumulative is not so high, since during my freshman and sophomore years I was less academically motivated, although I was not a total slacker.
It is at about a 3.5 with the first semester of junior year added in.
I have not taken the SAT, so I do not know what my scores are, but I am a very good test taker.</p>

<p>Junior Year Classes:
AP UShistory
AP English Lang+Comp
Academic Spanish 3 (could not take honors, due to schedule.)
Academic Physics
Advanced ArtQuest VisualFineArts</p>

<p>Projected Senior Year Classes:
APEnglish Lit
AP Studio Art
AP(?)Biology or Academic Chemistry. (this depends on scheduling)
JC-Fashion construction, arthistory, fashion history/cut history, figure drawing, painting.</p>

<p>I was a 2008 California Arts Scholar, and I attended CSSSA Innerspark for visual arts.
I have also been in an arts magnet program called ArtQuest for the last three years (I am currently an advanced student, and will be in AP next year.)
I had a piece in a juried show at the sonoma county museum.
I intern for a man named Charles Becker, who is a renowned oil painter.
I volunteered for the bird rescue center in my home town.
I was a CIT for a local city camp geared towards lower income children.
I teach art at the Imagine Bus program (A program that brings after school art to the poor elementary schools in my county.
I attended CTY for creative writing.
I am a three year member of amnesty international, and this year I was a founding member of a local student run club called Students for Social Justice, (which focuses on educating our peers about local, national and international issues so that they can start to make informed decisions and become politically independent people.)
I was a batmitzvah.
I am a member of the GATE knitting club.
I helped to organize the highschool component of a local walkout, and I helped to organize a die in (about gaza.) (I am not sure if mentioning a walkout is all that great for school applications. :/)</p>

<p>Beyond that, I am a very strong writer, I take classes at my local JC (I decided that I wanted to learn to dance, so I have taken introduction to dance, ballet and jazz, although I have not had a lot of dance experience.) I am a very strong sewer, it has been my obsession since I was seven years old, and my grandmother taught me to sew. My plans for the future are still up in the air, but what I have figured out so far goes as follows: I plan on taking another precollege art program, although I think I am going to study fashion design this time instead of a painting intensive. I am planning on taking arthistory and painting and a couple of fashion classes at the JC during my senior year as well. I am currently in the middle of revamping my etsy, I plan on selling handmade clothing off of it.
My academic interests are very strongly rooted in the humanities and english side of things. I love history, especially the russian revolution, the french revolution, the enlightenment (and enlightenment era literature) and anything in the baroque period. I am also very interested in the workings of dictatorships, and the way that people have historically manipulated the public opinion to be in support of those governments (or not, as history goes to show). I love to read, and I have been an avid reader since I was a young child.
I am not sure how to show those interests, since they have no club affilations...</p>

<p>Random facts about me are that I can build bikes, I am obsessed with antique lace, especially lace collars, and I have done NaNaWriMo three times, 05,06,07.</p>

<p>Also, I had an epiphany at the end of sophemore year, which really changed how I thought about myself, the person I wanted to be and the way I was living my life. As a result, I stopped a lot of my bad habits, and I have really changed the path that I was going down. I have been really happy with the way my life has been going because of these changes that I had to make, and I think that the process of realizing what I wanted from my life has made me a lot more driven and focused.</p>

<p>Please, lets get me some responses.
I will chance back.</p>

<p>Well you definitely have a great shot, but both of these schools are very hard to get into. Good Luck! :)</p>

<p>People would be able to chance you if you had SAT/ACT scores…how did they go today?</p>

<p>Assuming you took them, that is.</p>

<p>I just took the SAT, and I THINK I did okay. I am a pretty good test taker, but we shall see.</p>

<p>It was SO awkward though. My stomach growled SO loud during the entire thing. I felt bad for the people near me.</p>

<p>Oh! I also won a logo design contest for the local arts education alliance.</p>

<p>Don’t everyone jump in at once.</p>

<p>Come now, I have 107 views and 7 responses, 4 of which are my own.</p>

<p>Haha your funny, so I will comment you. Brown is a very difficult school and so is RISD… this is a very prestigious program and I just don’t know if you have the academic background that they are looking for. But, you do have the artistic chops,</p>

<p>haha. Funny enough to joke my way in?</p>

<p>That is my worry as well.</p>

<p>I am certainly not unintelligent, but I was young and stupid, (still am, relatively speaking) and I didn’t really buckle down my freshman and sophomore years. Any suggestions on how to fix that? Or, at least balance it out?</p>

<p>I do have a couple projects brewing that may help me, as far as EC’s go. I am not sure though, I am doing them because I am interested not for college props.</p>

<p>Housing blew the whistle
Leiman rang the bell
Wall Street gave the signal
and the country went to hell.</p>

<p>I say you’re doing well for now. Just make sure you keep all your grades up, and don’t forget to take as many tests as you can. The Subject Tests are so useful nowadays. </p>

<p>You’re taking a hard path, but if you keep up the hard work, you’ll do fine. =3 You sound like a diverse person, but you seem like you know what you want. I think colleges will find that trait appealing.</p>

<p>Thank you.

<p>k, well, Brown’s a far-left university, so I’m sure they’ll love the fact that you’re a member of Amnesty International. not sure if an obsession for antique lace qualifies you for Brown… Your GPA is a bit low, but I still think you stand a decent shot at Brown. Just make sure you have some back-ups in case things at Brown don’t work in your favor</p>

<p>Hah. The lace thing was just a random fact. I am not sure if there is anything I could do with that, although I know A LOT about the origin of lace, the different types of lace, historical lace, the evolution of lace and lace making.</p>

<p>My GPA is quite low for Brown, I am hoping that the extra curriculars help make up for it, but I am totally open for suggestions of things I can still do to improve.

<p>Roses are red,
violets are blue
ivy is brown,
what color are you?</p>

<p>you have a prett good shot for RISD, but I’ve seen kids who are much much much much much more qualified (no offense) get flat out rejected from Brown. if you have to get in each separately, i wouldnt put all your money on it… nobody really can with brown.</p>

<p>Because of Academic Classes, Brown might not like that. But, u have solid AP’s.</p>

<p>Chance me?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I have seen much more qualified kids get rejected from brown as well, but I have heard that it depends what they are looking for. </p>

<p>Thank you for the input, though. I appreciate it.</p>