Could I get into Brown University?

<p>I am in the full IB program (7 difficult honors classes), have a 3.8 - 3.9 and excellent PSAT scores (750-800 on all 3 sections). I plan to study even more for the SATs. </p>

<p>My extracurriculars are tutoring, volunteering at the humane society, visual art, piano, and I'm a black belt in tae soo do and tae kwon do. I also play tennis, but I really like visual art and martial arts and am very talented at these two things. I also speak spanish and some finnish and japanese.</p>

<p>Brown is my dream, but I'm worried because I'm not in varsity sports at school or in any school clubs. I also don't really have any awards. Could I get into Brown, or any ivy league university for that matter? I plan to apply to all 8... but Brown is where I really want to go. </p>

<p>I'm 16 and a junior by the way, so I still have time to add extracurriculars if I need to...</p>

<p>I’ll give my opinion on your chances if you give me input… Anybody? Pleeeeease… :)</p>

<p>Sounds pretty well rounded to me. I’m in no position to say whether you could get into anything Ivy League, but if I were in the admissions office, and glanced at this application, I’d definitely want to take another look. :wink: My advice would be to keep on keeping on.</p>

<p>You sound like a very unique student, and that’s great! Good chance, keep it up. You don’t necessarily have to be involved in school clubs or varsity sports if that’s not what you’re passionate about, but whatever you do, enjoy yourself and show some passion. Participate in martial arts competition, display your art in art shows etc. </p>

<p>I have to ask - what are your academic interests? And where else will you apply? It worries me that you plan to apply to all 8 Ivy League schools, because they are so different…it sounds like your applying for prestige alone.</p>

<p>You seem to be a pretty good applicant, but you really have to nail those essays as well as have great test scores, ect. Also, don’t add any last second EC’s, just focus on the ones that you really love and you think are a good example of who you are, and not being in some meaningless school club won’t really matter.</p>

<p>If you want… <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Wow thank you so much for responses! I’ve been worried a lot about being unique enough without having to start training carrier pigeons as a hobby! Snm, I really want to apply to the ivies not only for prestige but for many reasons. Almost all of them give great financial aid, all really pop out on job applications, have excellent academic programs, I love the idea of being surrounded by people who are really going somewhere in life, there are nice dorms, the east coast locations are great, and they are in smaller cities with smaller class sizes. There is so much more I love about these schools, though of course they are all different. </p>

<p>However, I guess it would be silly to apply for all 8… Imagine all the essays and applications I’d have to fill out, not to mention application fees and such! I’ll probably apply to three or four and then a few schools that I have a very strong chance of getting into (like a state school.)</p>

<p>I appreciate feedback so much!! Thank you!!! :slight_smile: ;)</p>

<p>Hmmm…more details perhaps? And did you get any awards for your hobbies? Awards and honors are pretty important…practically all applicants have them.</p>

<p>Uh, I don’t really have any awards. I mean, I don’t know about any art competitions and I haven’t been in a martial arts competition. I have one small award for academics and I guess I’ll get an award for completing the full IB program which is very rigorous. How could I accumulate more awards? I’m honestly not sure…</p>

<p>I’m also half afghan half finnish. Does admissions take this into account much?</p>

<p>Chance threads are absolutely unnecessary.
Why? Because we don’t know how adcoms think.</p>

<p>save your breath and just apply next year.</p>