Could I get into CC?

Passionately and with personality, got it. That’s my favorite type of voice to write in. Is the prompt “explain why you feel you would do well on the block plan” or something similar? Also, would you feel comfortable posting your essay on here?

Honestly, I want to apply EA to all the schools I’m applying to so I can get apps over with early and so I can start overnighting at schools to see which is the best for me, which is especially imperative for CC since I live in New Jersey and would have to book a flight (and since the acceptance rate is greater). But some schools I’m applying to (like TCNJ) do not have this option. I’ll make a note not to mention I’m applying EA to other schools in my essays of course. ED is a good option for some people, but I would feel uncomfortable committing to a school without visiting it beforehand (which I can only do should I get in) and there is the financial aid issue.

I finished all my apps - except for CC go figure - by September. Only then did I realize that CC was the place for me.
I am not trying to tell you how to go about applying. Just trying to share some of the insight I got from admissions people at a bunch of colleges. Nobody will know how many of your apps were EA. Then again, you will, and that is tantamount to saying you don’t care if you screw up their metrics. This is just one person’s opinion, but I think you defined EA in your last two sentences. EA ought to be for people who love a college so much they would do ED, but they are prevented by something like financial aid.

There are two prompts over and above the Common App essay:

  1. Explain what makes CC different and how you think the Block will play a role in your education.
  2. Design a Block Class that you would like to see taught at CC.

IMHO it is #2 that can make you or break you. If you understand CC and understand the Block, then you should have no issue writing it. The second essay almost makes the first obsolete, because you can prove, with the class you design, that you really understand the culture and philosopy of CC.

My idol is Buckminster Fuller, I built a class which basically told the world about the greatest engineer they never knew. I had to force myself to stop at 1499 words. You really don’t need to see my essay. The folks at CC don’t want you to copy my essay or my style. To me, that is the whole magic of CC: They don’t want just another BS application from a BS applicant. They ( do I say we now?) want people who are true to their soul and their convictions.

Just to close, the thing about CC is that they actually define what others call a ‘culture’. I heard that term at a number of schools and you could almost hear the eyeballs of the speaker rolling in their sockets. It always sounded like a bunch of BS. Then I experienced CC, both virtual and on campus. At CC, there really is a culture that is unique. Plus, CC is like Fight Club: The first rule of CC is you don’t talk about the culture. You just live it. And I felt that everyone I met had that same core as me. The jocks, the nerds, the crunchies, the skibums, the greenies; Everyone has this one intangible and you could tell from the first word they said. Oh, yeah, and the faculty too.

I like those prompts! And I didn’t want to copy you, sorry if it came across that way. Thanks for all the advice, I’ll get working on brainstorming ideas for those essays.

Disclosure: My next-door neighbor was (no longer) Dean of Admissions at CC. I am sure you have seen this but each item here is important. I highly encourage an interview. Yes, your chances are low, stats-wise, but CC can sometimes look beyond that. The cost of a trip to Colorado Springs is miniscule compared to the enormous fortune that CC costs (fl y into Denver for cheaper flights).

Forgot the link:

I know I can’t visit unless I get in unfortunately, my parents won’t allow it. Thanks for the link I’ll check it out :slight_smile:

Update: I got a 29 on the ACT and my weighted GPA went up to 3.8, UW is around 3.7. I’m taking 3 APs next year and 1 honors. Will this up my chances by a lot or no?

According to the stats they gave us for our class ( Class of 2019) your new benchmarks are in the bottom 25% of those accepted. That is good news, because you have crossed the historic thresholds for admissions! Most CC students have a higher number of AP / DE classes, but I am sticking with the advice to make yourself stand out through essays.

OK great, thanks! I wish I could do more APs but my school is just insanely competitive and the classes are crazy hard, 3 in one year (next year) will be plenty, along with an honors class. My final list is Colorado, Bard, Ithaca, Muhlenberg, TCNJ, Dickinson, Skidmore, and U. of Rochester. Hopefully that’s a good mix of safeties-reaches for my stats.

Update: I got a 29 on my ACT. I’m getting As in my APs so far this year. I hear back from CC on Thursday–fingers crossed!!!