@amandan25 “I just want to say thank you for your advice 2 years back, it really helped to nudge me into reality and to decide on schools where I really have a chance at.” So, you didn’t think you had a chance at Duke, Berkeley, and UCLA, but you decided to apply to Pomona, Middlebury, Grinnell, Bowdoin, and Northwester - which all (with the possible exception of Grinnell) have lower acceptance rates than Berkeley or UCLA?
Well, I’m glad it worked out for you - even if your logic was off. Congratulations.
As an international who needed financial aid, after learning that Berkeley and UCLA didn’t offer aid to internationals, I chose not to apply so my logic is not off. The schools I applied to were on the basis of strong aid to internationals as well as fit.
Thank you though. @urbanslaughter