Could I get into Notre Dame any Advice moving forward?

<p>I'm going to be a high school sophomore this year
Freshman year I had a 3.8 GPA all honors classes
Next year (Sophmore year) I'm taking
Band and Music Theory
Honors: Geometry,English,Chemistry,Soanish
And AP history
Im in
-Marching Band
-Debate Team
-Mock Trial
-Student Council
-I write lyrics and have one a few competitions will e entering another in the fall
-I was selected along with 19 other students in my town and 20 Chinese students. the first pilot program of the Junior Acievement Global connection. The Chinese students came this week and we are in the process of creating our own product and business which will run in my hometown and shanghai china this year and through 2014.
-I have about 50 community service hours so far
What are my chances? And what advice do you have for my few high school years to come?</p>

<p>Make sure you do a lot of SAT/ACT practice and take the PSATs this year and next year, they can really help you get a feel for what junior year will be about.</p>

<p>In terms of your courseload, it looks pretty good for a sophomore. Continue taking honors and AP classes and maintain at least a 3.7-3.8+ in order to be competitive for admissions purposes.</p>

<p>Lastly, make sure you take advantage of your remaining two years (especially the summers) in order to pursue something you are truly passionate about. It’s nice to have a lot of extracurriculars, but make sure you have something unique that you are really dedicated to. The Junior Achievement Global Connection program looks like it would be something really good in that respect. Continue your community service and volunteering, and really find something you love to do and just do it.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Notre Dame: Aim for 32+/2150+</p>