Could I get into U of W's college of engineering?

<p>Right now this is my resume
I want to do something in engineering like mechanical but not sure yet
GPA- Weighted 3.89 Unweighted 3.42 (A's and B's)
ACT- 30
Active in intramural sports, community service (co-leader of club at school and 300+ hours)
By end of senior year-7 ap classes mostly 4 or 5 on ap exams
School Award in physics
Real world experience in business (accounting intern [no correlation to anything in engineering but can't hurt])
High school in Illinois</p>

<p>Link below will help answer your question. You take prereqs for 3-4 semesters then you apply to the engineering department. Some, like chem egr are very competitive. Point is you’re not “in” the COE until you qualify for your department.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>and this for more general EGR info:</p>

<p>[Engineering</a> Student Services, UW-Madison Engineering, advising, tutoring, transfer, registration, admission, diversity, study abroad](<a href=“]Engineering”></p>

<p>The above links will give you a lot of information. However, I think you are not asking about taking the proper courses but if you can do well enough to get into an engineering major. Your HS courses will prepare you to take your college courses. With your test scores on the ACT and AP exams you likely have excellent prepation to do well at UW. Once you are a UW student your advisor willl help you determine which courses to take to meet Engineering College admissions requirements and if you continue to do as well as you have done in HS there should be no problem. It will be up to you to study and get good grades.</p>

<p>short answer- yes.</p>

<p>First you need to worry about getting into the UW. You are in that large middle group of around 50-50 chance. Slightly above average ACT and below avg grades. Might be a postpone to see 1st semester grades. Need to step it up this fall.</p>

<p>Every situation is different, but for what it’s worth, I have a friend from OOS High School with a 30 ACT and 3.56 unweighted GPA, captain of 3 varsity sports teams, volunteered, etc. and he was deferred in Jan. and rejected in March. I would recommend you do everything you can to get GREAT grades (unweighted) 1st semester Sr. year. Engineering admission will be based on your Wisc. grades, not high school.</p>

<p>Improving grades mean a lot. Hopefully your junior year grades are better than the first two years. You need great grades this fall as well.</p>