Could I get into UC Irvine?

<p>3 years of world renowned DECA club
Community Service
Tennis Player</p>

<p>3.8 weighted GPA average (including junior year so far)
2110 SATS</p>

<p>Current Crappy Grades
AP Bio-88%
AP French-83%
AP English-84%
AP Human Geography-85%
Honor's Pre Calculus-87%


<p>I’d say you have an 75% chance. While your GPA is 3.0 unweighted, it’s still a 3.8 weighted and that’s just fine because that’s how the UC GPA is calculated as I’m sure you know. Your course load shows that you should be ready for college curriculm despite some Bs. Also, you seem to have while not numerous, pretty solid ECs. Your SAT is excellent as well. Perhaps try and pull up one of those Bs, but even if they stay the same you should be okay. Good luck</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>it’s so frustrating because I always end up with numerous B+'s.</p>

<p>Hopefully before the end of the semester I can get atleast two or three A’s.</p>

<p>I also have to take my subject tests</p>

<p>and also I am taking SATs once more</p>

<p>I am only a junior :D</p>

<p>Good shot. Your GPA is a hair under their average but your SAT score is way above it.</p>

<p>yes you can get in. There is no gaurantee but I would say you have a fighting chance.</p>

<p>I think you will get in. Im currently a student at UCI.</p>

<p>CA resident i assume? if so, you’re in.</p>