<p>So I dropped an elective course this spring but my counselor at my CC told me I didn't need to report the dropped course since it didn't affect my 60 semester units and it wasn't part of my major, but when I checked my transfer contract it tells me to report it immediately. So I just e-mailed my UCI counselor &got an automated message saying they'll get back to me in 2 weeks. I'm planning on calling them tomorrow to ask about the situation but do you think I'll get rescinded for reporting my W so late?? I got in from the waitlist yesterday as well &pretty much had lost all hope of going there and just SIRed to my backup UCSC.</p>
<p>sigh another fail CC counselor…I don’t mean to scare you but yes it is possible. But if it’s only an elective and you still meet the requirements then they won’t likely rescind for you it.</p>
<p>Thank you for your imput. Ughh, this is so aggravating. It says on the web “Notify the UCI Office of Admissions immediately of any course withdrawals, incomplete grades, D and F grades and/or any other changes to your course schedule via the UCI Message Center on MyAdmissionsApplication@UCI at [UCI</a> Office of Admissions & Relations with Schools](<a href=“http://www.admissions.uci.edu%5DUCI”>http://www.admissions.uci.edu). The sooner we are notified of these changes the better we can assist you in avoiding any admission problems.” I couldn’t even see this until I was accepted yesterday so not sure what’s gonna happen, but hoping for the best. :/</p>
<p>Agreed, CC counselors are completely and utterly worthless (well at least the ones I dealt with)</p>
<p>My first meeting ever. I show him a list of classes I need to take that the school I want to go for wants from me in order to transfer. On the list of requirements it says “One year of General Biology”</p>
<p>So what does this idiot tell me to take? Intro to General Biology. Being a stupid 18 year old I just said ok and didn’t do any other research. A year later I find out I didn’t even need the class and it ruined my entire sequence of bio.</p>
<p>I doubt it’ll be a big problem since it’s not a prerequisite and just an elective. Did you message your admissions counselor from the message center? When I used the message center to contact my counselor she responded within 24 hours (I’m also going to UCI). You can also call admissions and ask them to transfer you to your admissions counselor to talk to them directly.</p>
<p>I called admissions and they said it shouldn’t be a problem so I’m quite relieved. But they told me they won’t be 100% sure until my counselor messages me herself so we’ll see.</p>
<p>Hi, i am new to this and i dont know how to post a thread so i am asking my question here. I just received an email regarding my status change. they withdrawn my admission offer. i am an international student and i do not know what to do. Please suggest me! and i filled out an appeal form but are the chances high? please pray for me
and has anyone been readmitted? please let me kno. i have cried for so many days already so please help me. </p>
<p>thank you.</p>
<p>What did you do</p>
<p>What was the reason?</p>
<p>wait… uci began rescinding already?</p>