Could I take 4 IBs as HL if I'm not doing diploma?

So I understand the thing with IB diploma where you can only take 3 HL and 3 SL.
But if you’re not doing IB Diploma and only doing specific courses, could you take like 4 as HL exams?
Or does the same rule still apply (of only 3 HLs)?

         You can take 4 HLs as a diploma, or as many as you like (LOL)  as a non diploma.  Many kids do 4HLs/2SLs for the  diploma. There is no 3/3 rule. . 

Oh @Sybylla maybe it’s just my specific school then

Are you doing the diploma? Is your GPA still 3.0 ish?

Taking 4 HLs can be hellish though, depending on what that 4th is.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I did transfer out of diploma and now I’m doing 4 HL classes. Thank you everyone for the help :slight_smile: