Could I take the Bio Test without taking AP?

<p>Could I take the Biology SAT Subject Test at the end of this year,even if I have not taken AP Biology? I am practicing using the Princeton Review's book and am currently taking regular biology and doing well in it.</p>

<p>Go right ahead and sign up for the june test date if you are planning to take it as soon as your course is over. PR is a great book for bio, so make sure to cover from that book what you do not get to finish. I got a 790 from just studying from the book from the middle of november to the beginning of december, so 6 months should be plenty. I didn’t take an AP class either, and even then I wasn’t much of a bio student, especially compared to all the other kids in my class.</p>

<p>Ap bio isn’t necessary. A high school bio class will teach you all the things you need to know, just prep with review books and your bio textbook.</p>

<p>Thanks guys! I am going to sign up for the May test cuz I don’t want to study for the bio test during the time I am studying for finals.</p>

<p>Never had AP Biology, did great :]</p>




<p>contrary to what one poster said, a typical high school biology class won’t cover everything tested on the subject test, however as long as you’re studying from a prep book as you said, you’ll be fine. The subject tests were designed for college prep classes, not college level (ap) classes.</p>

<p>You can definitely do well on the Bio Sat II without taking AP Bio. I took regular biology in freshman year and started studying for the test about 2 months before (reading a couple of review books and such) and I got a 760! It is definitely doable. Good luck!</p>

<p>My high school does not offer an course in AP Biology, so I took honors biology during my sophomore year, then read and took notes from the PR book at the end of my junior year. Scored a 740 on Bio-E, and I am now heading off to a top ten liberal arts college. Go for it! You’ll do fine!!! :)</p>

<p>You don’t need to take any AP to do well on any SAT 2. It can only help you, though.</p>

<p>Cliffs biology should do.</p>