If I took 3 American Sign Language classes in high school (freshman through junior), would I meet college admission requirements? Would taking american sign language ruin my chances of getting into ivy leagues?
Sure, so long as none of your target colleges ask for 4 years of language.
See above. Many Ivy League colleges ask for 4 years. That said, not all schools that offer ASL have a 4-year sequence and colleges know that you can’t take what’s not offered.
I also made a thread about ASL and chances in colleges. Based off the responses I was given, you should be able to meet college ADMISSION requirements.
What @Feli054 is hinting at is that some college have foreign language requirements in College,too. Usually it means you need to take a year of a course. For many colleges, ASL doesn’t count for a World Language because the idea is for you to learn about different cultures/countries and ASL is American.
So check on colleges of interest to see what the require and if you would be okay starting a new language.
More to the point, relatively few colleges offer ASL so fulfilling the graduation requirement for the college (if there is one) may be tough. Until this past year, my own college, which does offer ASL, would not count it for FL graduation requirements because there is no reading component.
That said, I’m not a big fan of HS students choosing courses with college graduation requirements in mind, since you never know where you’ll end up. For HS, if you’re interested in ASL, certainly take ASL, and worry about college graduation requirements much later.
I also made several posts on the linked thread above, so the OP can check those out.
And you can actually, you know, like, communicate with hearing impaired people.
Which is kind of the point.
Why don’t you volunteer to sign at school events and an outside group. That devotion and service will be helpful to those who can’t hear and also be a very attractive theme in your application coupling the coursework and the ec service work.
Just a thought.