Could posting something on Twitter about being admitted hurt my chances for admission?

I have seen a lot of people posting on their twitter whenever they were admitted to a school. I have been holding off doing that however I am not sure if it is actually necessary.

I know on rare occasions colleges do check social media (like Twitter). If they saw that you had celebrated being admitted to a different school would that hurt your chances?

No it would not. They are well aware you apply to many schools.

I doubt it. These people know students are applying to more than one college; why would they make an admissions decision based on that? Additionally, I believe character and fit are far more important in the admissions process than “Ah, this student got into another school!”

Also consider most of these people have thousands of applications to read, so I doubt they’ll take the time to go and check your Twitter.

Well if you posted that you were admitted ED to another college and they checked they may delete your application.

Just throwing this out there, but could it make them work harder for you?