Could someone please answer my burning question?

<p>Question: I'm a sophomore, and i'm ranked in the top 42%, I Know it's horrible but my school's super competitive too...asssuming that I get straight A's from this point on, could i bump into the top 15% by junior year?!</p>

<p>I would reaaaally appreciate responses from you guys...:)</p>

<p>How should we know?</p>

<p>Maybe .</p>

<p>Only if you take all AP classes/ IB/ college classes, and get all A+'s and suck up to all your teachers and counselors and staff.</p>

<p>This depends entirely on your school.</p>

<p>there is absolutley no way to know
but it’s a great possibility</p>

<p>Sleep with your principal and you might.</p>

<p>There’s a reason why your rank is so low. Human nature doesn’t change easily. Therefore, sadly, I don’t think your rank will be going up anytime soon. </p>

<p>I’m sure you have other attributes to make up for it though, so don’t sweat it.</p>

<p>Yes, if you can maintain them, and the students above you aren’t as ambitious, start struggling, start becoming lazy, or start the standard sophomore year decline into pot and alcohol (for those inclined to do so).</p>

<p>Essentially, its rather dependent on factors you can’t control.</p>


Word. </p>

<p>But we can assure you, OP, that if you get straight A’s for the rest of your HS career, your rank will be higher than if you don’t.</p>

<p>Thanks, Poseur that…err…kind of makes me feel better? And about what amciw said, it kind of scares me that it’s something that I cannot control. oh well <em>sighs</em></p>

<p>Do you think I should talk to my school about eliminating class rank?</p>

<p>Dude, don’t be a loser and try to get rid of class rank just because yours is bad. That is super lame.</p>

<p>You are going to have to take more APs than the people ahead of you in ranking and get As in order to significantly move up.
assuming that the top of your class is taking lots of APs</p>

<p>You could sabotage all the people above you.</p>



<p>ROTFLMAOOL wow. Sorry but that’s a hilarious example of feeling entitled.</p>

<p>^maybe that was a bad idea…sorry.</p>

<p>And at my school it’s not like taking more APs would boost your rank.It’s just a regular rankimg system i think. Plus, we have this thing called an honors rank ( if you take 2 or more honors/AP classes) which puts you up against others who qualify for an honors ranking…so I think that hepls…idk.</p>