Could this be true

<p>I just got accepted as a transfer student, spent two years at binghamton and figured the caliber of student was about the same. But after reading this im not too sure.</p>

<p>"As released on March 2nd, over 11,000 students applied to the class of 2011, while only 3000 were accepted. 925 students are expected to enroll. This creates an acceptance rate of 27.2%, and a yield rate of 30.8%"</p>

<p>Is it possible that the college became elite over night? Those numbers are competitive with NYU and other top 30 colleges.</p>

<p>Gonna decide among Geneseo, Emory, and uCHI once i hear from the later.</p>

<p>I think the type of student is different. Bing is more for those science types, Geneseo is more a LAC. Correct me if I am wrong.</p>

<p>Bing is fun as hell, ... almost any college will be if u keep in open mind. Ive felt that intellectually it leaves a great deal to be desired. Science has been a joke so far at bing, strictly regurgitation. So many fellas transfer out after a year or 2, its a great spring board for more competitive schools... I guess im just wondering whether SUNY-G has an environment with more intellectual curiosity since it has been noted that its admission is much more rigorous.</p>

<p>Are you serious?? I'm thinking about transferring to Bing despite the fact it lacks a communication program. Granted my reasons are almost purely for the lack of interesting things to do, but is Bing that bad? My friends there say it's fine, about the same or easier than our high school courseload.</p>

<p>As for the more curious environment... I haven't really seen it but I'm only a frosh with introductory classes.</p>