Could use some tips/advice on how to study for both the SAT and ACT?

<p>I'm gonna be taking the ACT for the first time in September and taking my second shot at the SAT in October. I am going to use this summer to study for both tests and I wanted to ask whether anyone has a system they can suggest for studying for both tests? I can't just study for the ACT and then after the test study for the SAT during September because I am going to be very very busy during that time period. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>just take as many practice tests as you can and learn what TYPE of questions come out (ex: in ACT english, several questions about redundancy come out. for example, “she is a cleaner who cleans.” the underlined part, “who cleans” is redundant and unneccessary. therefore, you’d pick “OMIT” as the answer)</p>

October-SAT Review</p>

<p>You know what, honestly just take SAT practice tests. That’s what I did, and I ended up raising my ACT by five points from my first full practice. The SAT is 395823590million times more challenging than the ACT. Okay, maybe not that much, but it is alot harder. If you shoot for the stars, you’ll land on the moon :slight_smile: Good Luck!</p>

<p>If you have time, skim through the Princeton ACT… It would help with what mniyks is suggesting. It may also give some helpful tips. For example, OMIT is the answer a large percentage of the time it appears on a question.</p>

<p>Why take the SAT?</p>

<p>ACT FTW!</p>