<p>white male from the great state of Connecticut</p>
<p>3.75 unweighted GPA (first quarter senior grades AP History A-, AP Calculus A-, British Literature Honors A)</p>
<p>ideal grade progression</p>
<p>1370 and 2070 on the SAT</p>
<p>15/190 class rank</p>
<p>All honors classes and 3 out of the 5 AP classes my schools has </p>
<p>I am a Wesleyan High School Scholar. Every other day I leave school and take "Principles of Chemistry I" there. I was accepted again for next semester, and I am taking "Principles of Chemistry II" next semester. I finished the course with one of the higher grades in the class with an A-/A. I am hoping they consider this because obviously Wesleyan is one of the best schools in the country, and it proves that I can succeed.</p>
<p>~40 hours of community service (probably the killer here)</p>
<p>Time Magazine's 2006 Person of the Year</p>
<p>Founder, former president, former vice-president, and current secretary/treasurer of the "Support Our Nation" Club</p>
<p>Founder and vice-president of the Tutoring Club</p>
<p>President and former treasurer of the International Culture Club</p>
<p>Here are my schools I have applied to...</p>
<p>Notre Dame (rejected EA)
Villanova (accepted EA)
Boston University
George Washington University
Boston College
Wake Forest University
Vanderbilt University</p>
<p>If you don't mind could you do it in the format of 0%-100%. Thanks for the help.</p>
<p>w tf?
‘Time Magazine’s 2006 Person of the Year’ whats that all about ? u cant have that on an app ?
because according to time, it was ‘you’ and that means, everyone in the world, and not just you right ?</p>
<p>Notre Dame (rejected EA) - Isn’t their EA more difficult than regular?
Villanova (accepted EA) - haha me too… maybe I’ll see you there (not my top choice though)
UConn - Accepted
Boston University - Accepted 60%
George Washington University - Easily Accepted 100%
Boston College - Waitlisted maybe but could be accepted
Wake Forest University - Accepted
Vanderbilt University - Accepted</p>
<p>UConn - 90-100% accepted
Boston University - 90% accepted
George Washington University - 80- 90% accepted
Boston College - rejected 60%
Wake Forest University - 50/50
Vanderbilt University - rejected 60% - 70%</p>
<p>no community service is NOT a killer as longas you have oher ECs.</p>
<p>you only took 3 classes senior year? total?</p>
<p>whats the school like? grad rate? average sat score? number of students to top schools each year? i will chance you again if you can tell me this. above estimates assume a relatively weak school, so you chances might be better.</p>
<p>SAT- My SAT percentiles are a point lower at my school compared to the national percentile.</p>
<p>We have block scheduling. 4 classes per semester. AP classes are all year. I have AP Calc, AP US, PofC I (Wesleyan), PofC II (Wesleyan), Brit Lit Honors, and Economics.</p>
<p>Colleges- We rarely send kids to ivies. I think kids from the top 10 last year went to Rochester, Colby, Boston College, and others that I would have to look up.</p>
<p>Dude I was reading your extracurriculars and was like…yep yep, pretty standard.</p>
<p>And then I saw “Time magazine’s 2006 person of the year”… you might want to change that. I don’t know who you are, but you definitely aren’t time magazine’s 2006 person of the year, otherwise we have someone incredibly famous posting on CC.</p>