Counselor freaking out over my schedule

<p>Well, I'm a sophomore, and my school recommends taking 2 academic classes per semester. I wanted to get as many pre-reqs for AP classes as I can "packed" into my schedule. My schedule is almost nothing compared to some of the other schedules I've seen on CC. Here it is:</p>

<p>Honors Trig
AP USH (2nd half of a year long class, have a 98 in there with our 5-point curve ATM)
Advanced Comp--- (Pre-req to ap english classes in my school)
Honors Physics
Honors Chemistry</p>

<p>My counselor saw this and started going crazy. She told me that with the amount work I will have to do, I will have no social life. She called my parents, and now they are scared too.</p>

<p>Can anyone foresee any possible situations at all where I will be in trouble??? My school is deprived of intelligent kids, so I think that might be a factor too...</p>

<p>you’ll be fine…just take those classes. unless each class in your school is unbelievably difficult, i see nothing wrong with your schedule.</p>

<p>I’ve taken all of those classes (aside from Advance Composition) and didn’t experience any serious problems. I think your counselor is just weird. Try to convince her that you can handle it.</p>

<p>It’s definitely manageable. Unless you happen to have EXTREMELY hard teachers for all of them?</p>

<p>All of my teachers are laid back except for the Chemistry teacher, but I do know some “average” kids that are doing quite well in that class. Main problem is not my counselor, but my parents. My counselor gave my mom the impression that Honors physics is harder than AP Bio… I’ll just wait for my dad to come home and calm her down. I’m actually laughing at how ridiculous this has become.</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>that’s a pretty easy schedule…where’s your foreign language?</p>

<p>“my school recommends taking 2 academic classes per semester” – ???</p>

<p>@johnshade: yeah, my school recommends 2 academics and 2 electives per semester. APUSH and Advanced Comp. is on block schedule so we go to each class every other day. Sad, I know.</p>

<p>@cosine45 I took spanish 1 already, and I was originally supposed to take Spanish 2 instead of physics. I’ll probably end up taking the rest of my spanish classes in the next two years.</p>

<p>…my counselor was telling me the same story over and over again about how some girl couldn’t handle all the work and had a nervous breakdown. It was very educational.
I’m surviving, not planning on breaking down any time soon…I really think its just some counselors</p>

<p>That sounds like a relaxing schedule.
People here have like 6 AP packed schedules and multivariable partial differential equations + taking extra college courses and studying another 6 APs on their own. and taking band/foreign language.</p>

<p>Your counselor would probably die on the spot if they saw my proposed sophomore schedule. But then again, the science teachers thought I was a lunatic for trying to do that many courses in such a short time. Math too…</p>

<p>That’s not a bad schedule at all, I took all of those classes between 8th and 9th grade, and none of them posed any problems…</p>

<p>That’s a pretty easy schedule. You’ll definitely survive; I think your counselor’s overreacting.</p>

<p>I have taken 11 AP courses over my entire high school career, yet I do not feel my social life is affected at all.</p>

<p>2 academic classes! That’s absolutely ridiculous. Your schedule sounds just fine for someone who wants a challenge. You’ll be busy but shouldn’t be overloaded. </p>

<p>S1 & S2 received an exemption from PE for Marching Band. However, the rule was that if they were exempt from PE, they couldn’t have a free period–no study hall. Therefore, they were required all 4 years to take 5 academic classes + band.</p>

<p>lol 7 academic classes + pe and leadership ftw =)</p>

<p>that’s a rlly easy schedule. i don’t see it impacting your socail life.</p>

<p>I’ve found that it’s not the classes that cause trouble. It’s time management. Sometimes there just isn’t enough time for everything. If you take hard classes, you may find that it’s best to eliminate an unnecessary and time-consuming EC.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry about it. My counselors and parents freaked out at my schedule like this
Period 1: drivers ed
Period 2: hon chem
period 3: hon english
period 4: hon latin
period 5: theology
period 6: hon alg II/trig
period 7: Ap euro
period 8: ap art history</p>

<p>haha, I guess that does sound kind of crammed but you have to go to my school to realize that the only classes that require any sort of work at all are AP’s. The other classes if you just listen in class you have a guarenteed A.
Anyway, I’d just go for it with your schedule. And I’m assuming you can drop classes after they start if it seems like it’ll be a huge problem.</p>

<p>I’m beginning to doubt the authenticity of this thread. I think a ■■■■■ is on the loose…I mean what kind of school expects students to take just four classes? Many schools make their students take double that amount.</p>

<p>lol, i took 4 AP as a sophomore, you’ll be okay</p>