Counselor Recommendation

Hey everyone,

I currently have to fill out a counselor recommendation packet and I wanted to know if anybody had any advice on how to fill these out. The packet has questions such as “descrive yourself in three words and provide examples on why you used those words” and I can think of words but sometimes I have trouble thinking of specific examples. I was also planning on using the word cultured to describe myself, but i was not sure if is a good word to use or not.


I’m a high school teacher, and I write a LOT of recommendations. But they’re all for kids I know by name, kids who have sat in my math class for at least one year.

Your counselor has to write you a letter, but he/she doesn’t know you nearly as well as I know you. She knows your stats, but doesn’t know YOU.

So the point of this packet is to remedy that. Tell her about yourself.

Try writing an honest letter of recommendation for yourself. Don’t fill it with big, impressive words; fill it with honesty. What are your academic strengths? Social strengths? Moral? Emotional?

Don’t worry about what’s a “good word”-- particularly a vague one like “cultured.” Stick to basics: are you studious? Smart? Hard working? Conscientious? A good friend? A good listener?

Google “words to use in a letter of recommendation” and give the list some thought. Choose the words or phrases that really do describe you.

We had to fill out a paper on Naviance for this reason. Just be descriptive. No one but your GC will see it so don’t be shy.