Counselor sent incorrect grades

<p>I'm a US citizen applying from the UK. My school does not have school counselors so the person who acted as my 'school counselor' has never gone through the US admissions process before. A few weeks ago I was applying for a scholarship and had to send a copy of my transcript, which I hadn't seen before because my counselor had just sent it directly to the school. I had gotten all As last year in my AS levels (11th grade), and a B the year before (10th grade) when I took an AS level early. I saw my school counselor had grouped the B with the As under the same date, so it appeared as though I had gotten a B last year in 11th grade when I actually got it in 10th grade. I'm not too familiar with the GPA system but I feel like having a B with my As will make it look like a lot worse, because in reality I did get all As! I don't know what to do, I asked my school counselor about this and she just said "Oh it doesn't matter". Will this really affect my chances? It's probably too late to inform the colleges anyways because they've probably already made their decisions by now. I'm just annoyed because I thought I could count on my school to at least send a simple list of grades correctly.</p>

<p>(Sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread, I wasn't sure where it should go)</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it, my counselor did the same thing. I’m from London. He said he uploaded the correct transcript under “Optional Report” on his counselor Common App page, as well as sending all of the schools I applied to my correct transcript.</p>

<p>As for GPA, I think US schools understand that UK schools don’t participate in GPA or a class rank system. I explained this under “additional info” on my Common App for those that didn’t know.</p>

<p>Just really get onto your counselor (as I did) about correcting the transcript and uploading it to the Common App/sending it to the schools. I did this back in early January, but it’s never too late.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>That happened to my son (he’s domestic, but same thing, straight As appeared to have a B simply because it was entered wrong). He called the schools and followed up with the correct transcript.</p>

<p>Thanks for responding, I’ve actually had decisions from two colleges (out of four) already so it must be too late by now right?</p>