Countdown and Results Thread for December 2008 ACT

<p>So, what did you guys think of it?</p>

<p>My daughter just took hers. She thought the English and Math was very easy, although she didn’t have enough time on the math and had to guess on a few. She had plenty of time on the English and actually went back and checked most. </p>

<p>She said she skipped one passage on the reading, but then went back when she was done and understood it better and was able to easily find the answers that time.</p>

<p>She thought she was doing excellent till she got to the science and she said it was really hard and she didn’t know all the answers. She had to guess on a good many. </p>

<p>She is worried that the science is going to be her downfall. This is her first time though and she is a Junior, so she has more time to prepare and take.</p>

<p>In my country, ACT December 2008 version is the same as October 2008 version !!! I couldn’t understand why ???</p>

<p>Science was really hard this time I thought, harder than any of the practice tests I’ve took.</p>

<p>English and reading was really easy I’ve got to say. Math was more difficult but I only guessed on one.</p>

<p>duongviethai - what country did you take in, that is quite interesting to know- but i do know that you can’t order the test after you took it for the international maybe for this reason.</p>

<p>Just got home. The science is going to royally F me over- pardon the vulgarity. I thought the math and english were basic–not overly easy or hard. I thought the reading was the easiest section.</p>

<p>Did anyone think they did good on science? I have a couple questions…</p>

<p>I just remembered skipping a question on the science and not going back to it :-(. I thought the reading was all right. Some were easy but I barely read the passages so pretty much answered what I thought the answer was. </p>

<p>^I think I did better on the science as towards the end of test. Still nervous and hopeful though.</p>

<p>English and Math sections were not bad, I had time to go back and check answers on English, but I sorta had to rush math. The reading section was tedious and took a while for me. The science section was the hardest one I’ve ever taken. I had to guess sometimes. </p>

<p>I currently have a 29 Composite and this is my 3rd test. I need to bring it up to a 33.25… Overall a score of 133. This will get me a big scholarship. Can I do it in 6 months? I have until June to submit the scholarship application. </p>

<p>I’m really good in Math, and use it for my fall-back section. Any tips?</p>

<p>The science was hard. The math, reading, and english were easy. But I feel good about it overall.</p>

<p>Take a ton of practice tests. I took 6 up until this date and saw some very similar questions but the content was obviously changed. IMHO, there is little one can do to prepare for the reading and science. I guess just perfect your triage skills and hope you have good reading comprehension. Good luck.</p>

<p>is it just me or does no one else think math was disgustingly hard? i guessed on approx. 13 =X. science destroyed me…english was harder then normal and reading was easiest.</p>

<p>I guessed on about 8 questions. I do feel, however, that I got every single question besides those right. We’ll see. I’m not gonna stress over it, it is what it is.</p>

<p>I thought that the math was easy… or maybe that is me. I am extremely good at math. XD</p>

<p>Ugghh, I thought I had done bad on science the first time I took the test and got a 34, but I think there’s no luck for me on this test. Does anyone know the answer for the question that asked “If the map distance between R and T is 10, the gametes for a cross between Rr and Tt would be” or like the answer near the end of the test that asked how did (H) and (D) change or something?</p>

<p>science was crazy hard. Seriously did anyone else find that a lot of the answers required previous knowledge.</p>

<p>Rest was easy.</p>

<p>My daughters said the science did them in and it seemed to be the what everyone was talking about when leaving (with some vulgarity) Nothing they practiced was on that section.
Well, they are juniors and it was more to “break them in” to the length and type of test.
One of them said she could see why her brother “faded” toward the end, she was really tired and had a good nights sleep. I can only hope each one is a bit easier.</p>

<p>I found science very easy. Math I found hard. Think I 36’d the reading</p>

<p>Math was hard… Science too…</p>

<p>Umm 36s on everything, except for Science…it was freaken hard!!! OMG please let there be a super generous curve!!</p>