Countdown to 2012 Recognition

<p>58 days!!!</p>

<p>why are you doing this??? noooooooo

<p>Only 1,400 more hours until the fun begins!</p>

<p>thanks petko. that was really nice. :D</p>

<p>my roommate wants to know “WHO COUNTS HOURS?!”</p>

<p>FYI, that’s just over five million seconds, but who’s counting? ;)</p>

<p>lol. I know we have a countdown somewhere that has every countdown imaginable that a 4* would care about, but I dont know where it is</p>

<p>Here’s one for ya , Mamboguy! [Countdown</a> for 2012](<a href=“]Countdown”> Good luck! :)</p>

<p>Ughh I hate counting down to things; it makes it seem so much longer lol</p>

<p>true. i’m not counting… we got semi-briefed about 40 days, recognition, etc tonight</p>

<p>so’d we. ugh. although, i gotta say i like my training staff. but they’re all hardcore. dang. lol</p>

<p>im looking forward to some good 40-days spirit missions. anyone started planning yet?</p>

<p>Yea, we have ideas thrown out there right now, nothing too serious yet though.</p>

<p>i like pulling the more mundane practical jokes on my squad upperclassmen. it’s gonna be hard to come up with a good big one. :(</p>

<p>as if i didn’t have enough to worry about! lol

<p>ps, af16 if you read this, i’m calling morning minutes tomorrow. get up for it!!! for those of you who haven’t heard my beautiful voice…you’re missing out. my roommate tells me i make even the stractest of cadre shudder. mwahahaha!</p>

<p>lol, really mismuff… wow!</p>

<p>Maybe I’ll come visit someday… hahaha! :smiley: Not tomorrow though. M-day mornings are for jumping.</p>

<p>Umm ya didnt call minutes this morning!!! What up with that??? :)</p>

<p>apparently she beat me to it :frowning:
tomorrow! ;)</p>

<p>hmmmmmm, we got our daily dose at noon minutes, thts enough until AFTER recognition…</p>

<p>57 days :D</p>

<p>52 days and a Happy MLK day to you all!</p>