<p>Anyone else see the awesome 40 days ROE's?</p>
<p>yes it was a nice little joke lol</p>
<p>Yea, the new workout times and greetings through me off... Then the good ol' class president cleared things up...</p>
<p>Anyone want to forward me that? I want to see them.</p>
<p>it happens every year. quite entertaining, rly</p>
<p>Recognition Schedule</p>
<p>1630-1800 Get changed and ready for fun!
1800-1900 Dinner should be delicious.
1900-2000 Story time!
2000-1100 Sleep.</p>
<p>1100-1200 Wake up sometime around here and get ready for an exciting day.
1200-1300 Brunch anyone?
1300-1430 Your cadre will politely teach you important things every cadet should know.
1430-1500 Apple juice break.
1500-1700 Time for a nap.
1700-1800 Dinner again.
1800-2000 Free time, yay!
2000-1100 Sleep.</p>
<p>1100-1200 Rise and shine!
1200-1300 Mmmmm, waffles.
1300-1400 We'll do some motivational jogging to get you ready for tonight.
1400-1600 Self-beautification.
1600-2011 Prop and wings! You did it!</p>
<p>This is the real schedule, I promise. ;)</p>
<p>now its compromised... i'll have to let the other training officers/NCOs know, and i guess we'll have to change it now...</p>
<p>dang it! i just know recognition won't mean as much to me now that i know what's going to happen. thanks a lot. :P</p>
<p>Wait, wait, wait... if Recognition is more physically demanding than BCT, then summer is gonna be a cakewalk... ;)</p>
<p>clearly! ;)</p>
<p>guess i dont have to work out anymore. made my life easier. thanks guys! :-p</p>
<p>yeah, it basically is. as long as you bring the cakes, i'll arrange one for you...</p>
<p>say, eagle, are you running basic this year?
and hornet, are you emt'ing again?</p>
<p>yes i am. flight commander. it's going to be a long 3 weeks, but should be rewarding.</p>
<p>I respect you for doing that. My cadre were super tired/stressed when we talked to them about their jobs. Our assistant flight commander said he was more stressed than he was when he was a basic. Are you doing first or second beast?</p>
<p>43 days.</p>
<p>first. get to set the standard and be the first to instill standards in the basics. you also get to teach a lot of the key things that they will use for the rest of their cadet career, and in some cases further on. i'm not too concerned with sleep since i got the privilege to work enlisted BMT at Lackland for 6 weeks, and that was just you and the TI for 6 weeks. those were long days</p>
<p>I wonder how Cadet involvement will change next year with the longer BMT. Would it require you to forego your normal leave period?</p>
<p>Good question. I'd assume the answer will be yes.</p>
<p>it won't change it at all. cadets will still be sent down in two groups of 6 week periods, with the middle three weeks over-lapping.</p>
<p>not every sees a whole flight all the way through. i jumped around the first 1.5 weeks until i finally got a baby flight at pick-up tuesday night/wed morning. i saw them for 4.5 weeks (through warrior week) then left. they recieved honor flight, and i couldn't be there for the graduation. it was sad, but that's life.</p>
<p>i was informed at lunch today that I saw eagle himself and didnt realize it was him...</p>