<p>it's cuz he's just that stealth... lol</p>
<p>Word I heard On AETC was cadets are going for 8 weeks, but will be leaving before everyone else goes onto the summer schedule (i.e. they'll miss prep/transition time)</p>
<p>it is a dumb element board theme, end of story... ;)</p>
<p>i'll ask the CICs for this summer and see what i hear.</p>
<p>and AF16, did missmuff inform you of this? if so were you at the table i stopped at?</p>
<p>i was there, the guy on your right... i recognized your name when she said it and afterwards she said it was eagle from the forums... hopefully we can a formal meeting in the future? ;)</p>
<p>who knows, maybe i'll stop around your squadron some time to say hey to my friends over there...</p>
<p>uh oh...
<p>oh fiddle sticks... our definitions of "formal" seem to conflict... 42 days!!!!!! ;)</p>
<p>haha. yeah, but i don't like to travel alone, so maybe hornet and petko and some others could come with...</p>
<p>haha. j/k. i might try stopping by lunch again, but no guarantees. i;'ll probably forget by then.</p>
<p>i feel like i'm bein left outta all this</p>
<p>meanwhile, warhawks+1 day til recognition</p>
<p>thats cause i see u twice a week but keep forgetting to go introduce myself. standing next to the President is a tough job, as is being a tenor since we're so awesome</p>
<p>Two questions:</p>
<p>What is "BMT?"</p>
<p>I see you are counting down days. Is it XX days until you are recognized? Or are we counting the days until the real pain begins?</p>
<p>"BMT" is Basic Military Training. It's the basic training that all enlisted personal go through at Lackland AFB, TX. and yes, they're counting down days until Recognition, which is also when the "real pain" begins. it's a ridiculously tough 3 days, but 3 of the most rewarding in my life.</p>
<p>my squad already started "40 day training" today even though it's early! They said we get to "practice!" come on now! we get 40 days to practice!!! :p</p>
<p>40 Days... good times.</p>
<p>No, its not warhawks + 1 days. Its actually the 41st day. Nobody got the memo, but the greeting for today SHOULD have been "Gone and done, 41!"</p>
<p>40 days. Just got the ROEs.</p>
<p>Well from the father of the littlest Warhawk let the 40 days begin,, :)</p>
<p>Mwahahaha! So the fun begins indeed. 39 days.</p>
<p>Already, there are no toilet seats in our squad. Curse you four digs! 39 more days...</p>