Countdown to Judgement Day (Dec. 15)

<p>done with SAT II's....atlast, atlast...i a free.</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm not sure I can say the same, cn. I left the test center feeling awkward about all three tests I took. :( Even though I'm only shooting for mid-600s on the IIC, I feel sick about answering only thirty-some out of fifty questions.</p>

<p>10 more days, indeed!!!!</p>

<p>Just watched "Life is Beautiful" and cried a bit at the end....such is life.</p>

<p>and i am off to write a sonnet about French Revolution.</p>

<p>dd took SATII's this weekend, just in case. She got 710 on IIC and decided to take I--reports it as really easy. Retook writing because timing was off and didn't complete the essay the first time around. Got bad score of 670 uncharacteristic of ability. Should have done a timed practice test. Live and learn. And that's it for testing.</p>

<p>Reading the stats of the EA people here, it is very daunting to realize that the Admission's people have to toss or defer bunches of people. It really does make one wonder what differentiates the admitted students.</p>

<p>9 days....</p>

<p>9 days indeed....</p>

<p>getting a bit excited and scared....wish I can just magically know, so that i can be out of this misery.</p>

<p>When should we start up a good luck thread? Like, everyone falsely says, "I hope you get in," to the other applicants to increase their good karma? :P</p>

<p>lets start when we have 7 days to go. 7 is a good number...7 wonders of the world, the ancient world, africa, asia....the list goes on.</p>

<p>What about three? Being a Latin man, I have a fetish for the number three like the ancient Romans. It's not too little, it's not too much: it's just enough.</p>

<p>I know!!! For each day we should find a reason why the countdown number is important, so we'll be brainstorming ideas instead of killing ourselves while waiting for those letters.</p>

<p>reason why 9 is unique:</p>

<p>Metaphors by Sylvia Plath</p>

<p>I'm a riddle in nine syllables.
An elephant, a ponderous house,
A melon strolling on two tendrils.
O red fruit, ivory, fine timbers!
This loaf's big with its yeasty rising.
Money's new-minted in this fat purse.
I'm a means, a stage, a cow in calf.
I've eaten a bag of green apples,
Boarded the train there's no getting off. </p>

<p>What is this poems connection to Number 9.</p>

<p>Well, nine lines, nine syllables each. There's probably something else, too.</p>

<p>For shame but for true, and in the immortal words of Homer Simpson woohoo</p>

<p>The answer to the question...the answer is Pregnancy. 9 lines, 9 syllables...on a train and can't get off...a cow in get the picture.</p>

<p>And Now.</p>

<p>Only 8 more starting to sweat now:)</p>

<p>interesting facts about number 8......?</p>

<p>Number eight looks like a zero with a belt on.</p>

<p>Compare: 0 8</p>

<p>haha nice...</p>

<p>by the way, the finals are comming up...the 0 8 looks awfully close to my grade...</p>

<p>It might come by saturday. In that case, only 4 more days.</p>

<p>Where do you get that from, Fortune (you're referring to a decision by Saturday)?</p>

<p>dont get our hopes up fortune...</p>

<p>im still probably going to run out to my mailbox in my pjs on saturday anyway just cuz u said that.</p>

<p>8's supposed to be good luck in the chinese culture, so in august, everyone's in a mad rush to get married</p>