Countdown to uf decisions!!!!

<p>9 days to go...!!! February 13th, is the date!! do you think it's a good date? I received an email telling me that the result will come after 6 pm!</p>

<p>I just want to quickly wish good luck to all the applicants this year. </p>

<p>I was in your shoes last year and I know how much it sucks to have waited for upwards of 4 months to get the decision. One word of advice: regardless of whether or not you get in, what matters is what you do when you get to the school you commit to. </p>

<p>I know that you’ve probably heard it before and have blown it off like I did a year ago but believe me, the name on the undergrad diploma means a lot less than you think it does…especially considering the way the economy is going. Make the most out of wherever you go and make sure you’re admission into the graduate school of your choosing isn’t a question</p>

<p>To those who get dinged by UF, I suggest you all pick FSU over UCF (this is coming from a UF alumni).</p>

<p>UCF is a regional school, has a smaller endowment, worse athletics, a weaker Peer Assessment Score, less prestigious graduate programs, and does not offer the traditional college experience.</p>

<p>I am sick of these kids picking the commuter university simply because it has nicer dorms.</p>

<p>Just my honest opinion…</p>

<p>8 more days!!</p>

<p>I can’t wait until 6:00 next friday… although it was supposed to be 5:15</p>

<p>Ugh… I’m starting to get nervous now. The worst part is, I’ll be out of town, so I’ll have to search for a computer Friday night =( </p>

<p>Not to mention, if I don’t get in, it will screw up my undefeated admission’s record lol.</p>

<p>7 more days</p>

<p>It’s going to be a long 7 days…</p>

<p>this time next week we will all be frantically logging into gatorlink to see if we will be able to join the GATOR NATION!!!</p>

<p>this time next week we will finally be able to log into gatorlink to see if we’re accepted due to the servers finally becoming vacant.</p>

<p>crap i keep forgetting to withdraw my app because i cant get onto my account online :O</p>

<p>It will be interesting to see if I get accepted. I am not nervous or anything - I decided to enroll at FSU awhileeeee ago, so it doesn’t matter to me if I am accepted or rejected.</p>

<p>well SSobick, I personally only applied to UCF and FSU as my in-state choices. The main reason being that UCF has a better undergrad engineering program.</p>

<p>and remember, if you dont make it in, ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!</p>

<p>You are joking about UCF engineering being better than UF engineering right? Please tell me you are joking.</p>

<p>^lol no i mean that UCF Engi > FSU engi</p>

<p>and i meant to say UF not FSU in my previous post</p>

<p>Oh hehe ok. Sorry. Gotta stick up for my school :slight_smile: UCF does have a good engineering program.</p>

<p>hey, i just wanted to say to pnl09 that you should really call UF’s admissions office sometime this week to personally rescind your application. You could very well get in and that’s not fair to others; you’ll be taking one person’s spot, and i know that may not sound that big of a deal to you, but i mean think about it, what if this was your dream school and you were the next person on the list? same with you Jman2306, you said you’re like 100 percent sure about FSU, right? well, if that’s the case, and only if that’s teh case, please consider rescinding your application as well if you’re really just curious to see if you’ll get in.</p>

<p>Not by much > [Search</a> - Engineering - Best Graduate Schools - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“]Search”></p>

<p>Agreed with srgal</p>

<p>well put srgal</p>