<p>Last May:</p>
<p>CR - 630
M - 680
W - 710
Total: 2020</p>
<p>This October:</p>
<p>CR - 730
M - 700
W - 750
Total: 2180</p>
<p>I’m so happy!! (=</p>
<p>Last May:</p>
<p>CR - 630
M - 680
W - 710
Total: 2020</p>
<p>This October:</p>
<p>CR - 730
M - 700
W - 750
Total: 2180</p>
<p>I’m so happy!! (=</p>
<p>CR: 760
M: 690
W: 730</p>
<p>Total: 2180 and 2210 combined with another test</p>
<p>Wow!! I can’t believe the Bartholemew question wasn’t E. It was pretty ambiguous… Argh!!!</p>
<p>Darn. With that, and -1 Math my scores took a beating…</p>
<p>770 M
790 W
740 CR</p>
<p>2300 = retake :(</p>
<p>Really disappointed:</p>
<p>First try:
CR - 480
Math - 620
Writing - 540
<p>Second try:
CR - 550
Math - 660
Writing - 580
1790 (160 point increase)</p>
<p>Third try:
CR - 550 (***!@!@!@!@!!@!@!@ I studied and did like 20 + CR passages; the VOCAB screwed up me sooooo much)
Math - 730
Writing - 660 10 essay
1940 (160 point increase)</p>
<p>CR:700/750 (Will Nov be easier? - vocab was redic)
WR:750/780 (78, 8)</p>
<p>very disappointed w/ CR, but at least I can bug my math teacher for an 800 cake :)</p>
<p>…and for those of you trying to improve your scores, I would take the practice tests from the blue SAT book and buy The Sat Essay Formula - great stuff</p>
<p>Reading: 620
Math: 670
Writing: 650
Essay: 11 out of 12</p>
<p>Improved to a 1940, I made a 1470 when I took it in March.</p>
<p>Also guys I need your help, I want to get in the 2000s when I take it in December, any tips?</p>
<p>Am I the only one that did well? >.>
CR: 800
M: 800
WR: 800 (78,11)</p>
<p><a href=“ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs”>ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs;
<p>My essay score doesn’t show up. Is it already accounted for in my writing score even though it doesn’t show the breakdown?</p>
<p>^^^jealous lol</p>
<p>double post</p>
<p>You got a perfect score in bragging, too. I’m sure I’d be tootin’ my own horn, as well. But I’m not sure how I would go about shouting the news without looking too boastful.
Congratulations to you! </p>
<p>I wish my straight A daughter was better at these timed tests. I’m afraid this might be what keeps her out of a reach school. Or even a low match in this CA economy. She’s going to have to come up some mighty unique essays. And, hopefully her ACT score will go up. At least she’s in a higher range on that vs. SAT.</p>
New Member</p>
<p>Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 7 Am I the only one that did well? >.>
CR: 800
M: 800
WR: 800 (78,11)</p>
<p><a href=“ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs”>ImageShack - Best place for all of your image hosting and image sharing needs;
<p>@ pikagure</p>
<p>No you aren’t the only one that did well. Following are scores of juniors at my school who took the Oct 09 test:</p>
2300 (me)
and the list goes on and on…</p>
<p>^you must go to a beast school.</p>
<p>beast is an understatement… my 2280 is the highest in my senior class lol…</p>
<p>Lol, that sounds like my school, though I’m the only 2400 I know.
I have like 4 friends who got 2360s though</p>
<p>Did anyone think that this test was ridiculously easy? Not only that, but the curve was extremely generous too? Like 10 of my friends got 2300+ who originally got like 2100s</p>
<p>'grats stix2400. That’s freaking intense.
CR is the most heinous thing ever.</p>
<p>Yeah all my friends who took the October said that (even without the generous curve) it was really easy compared to practices.</p>
<p>Are subject test scores up too? Somebody said they send you an email when your scores are ready, and I never got one.</p>
Why don’t you just check? Yes, they’re up.</p>
Was the test that easy? I’m kinda regretting I took a subject test instead.</p>