<p>I will not attend SOAR since it’s too far away for a day trip. Any help from people that went to SOAR or others would be awesome!</p>
<li>Registration starts August 16, correct? Is it possible to drop cal poly assigned classes during this time? </li>
<li>The concentration that I’m pursuing only requires PreCal and Trig class.
I want to take Calculus 1 and 2 for grad school purposes( i am math 141 eligible). Would cal poly allow me to take Calculus instead or do i have to repeat PreCal/Trig like my major’s concentration wants me to do? </li>
<li>The Cal Poly Portal says i owe $2,100- when is that officially due? </li>
<p>I know i have other questions, but i can’t think of them all right now :).
<p>Look at the post I wrote about SOAR insights. I shared some of what happened at SOAR.</p>
<p>I believe you can swap classes on your assigned day and time. There is a schedule for that. You need to be sure that you can replace the class with something before you drop what they have given you. I’m sorry that I don’t know the answer to your question about the math class. I wonder if your department would be a good place to ask. They are actually the ones who helped choose your schedule.</p>
<p>The $ is due by August 24th I believe. Of course the people at SOAR said we should pay now. :)</p>
<p>Be sure to watch the short videos on using PASS and CPReg. That will help. Also the videos called PolyLive are excellent and really cover a lot of info. that we heard at SOAR.</p>
<p>Hope that helped a little.</p>
<p>You can see the deadline information about fees on your portal. Go to the Student Center page and then look on the right and you will see the financial deadlines link. </p>
<p>Also, look below that and you will see when the schedules for registering. I think it says something about calendars and deadlines. It shows the rotation for regstering this Fall and there is also a link for future rotations this year.</p>
<p>Great! Thanks for the info, it was very helpful.
I’ll check with a counselor or my department- i haven’t been assigned any math classes but i’ll see what they have to say.</p>
<p>I noticed that my daughter’s alphabetical rotation is the *last *time of the day on the *last *day.
Number 12. I wonder what classes will be left.</p>
<p>bigxcman^ Glad to help!<br>
2Leashes^I am so sorry about her rotation, but actually that may be for the best. Since she already has some good classes chosen for her, she won’t likely need to change much. That means she will have a better rotation number for the other quarters when it will be more important. My son is the second day at 3:00, but he is in the first rotation for winter quarter and then 12th for Spring. It is all a bit scary and sometimes confusing, but I am trusting that our kids and the great counselors and advisors will help them when they need it. They may not get a perfect schedule or always the classes that they prefer, but I am hopeful that they will get what they need and make it work. Hang in there!</p>
<p>My son is also last this time, first for Winter. He is assuming that what few spaces are left in classes that he planned for swap on PASS will be gone by the time his rotation is scheduled. His schedule isn’t missing anything, but the timing with meals like others is not too good. He also was scheduled for a sophomore class (according to flowchart) his first term which he would prefer to be winter or spring. And a D3 Ant 202 which to him wouldn’t be his choice, but glad to get it done.</p>
<p>He said that he learned you need to “swap not drop” (think others said this too). Also, if you waitlist for a class and already have another class that you will likely drop if you get the waitlisted class, the system will pass you by bec. you technically have a time conflict.</p>
<p>He is going to find out what classes are difficult to get for winter quarter since he is first quarter.</p>
<p>If you can’t get a required class for a quarter, consider Cuesta Community College in SLO. I plan on taking some GE’s that may be hard to get at Cal Poly, while I am in session at cal poly. When it’s summertime, it’s a good idea to take whatever you can at your local CC as well.</p>
<p>If anyone needs a GE Speech class, i plan on dropping mine. Maybe we could arrange a “timed” drop and swap.
A calc class would be ideal.</p>
<p>I think the idea of checking on the hard to get classes is a great idea for next quarter when my son has the #1 rotation time. Good thinking!</p>
<p>Just an fyi for Business students</p>
<p>The flowchart has been updated for 2009-2011 to include Business courses the first year.
It was it the SOAR packet for business students. It should be on the website soon.</p>
<p>Major changes included suggested Business courses to take freshman year. I’d say call your advisor if you want more into.</p>
<p>I don’t think it is just the Greenlight Program, my son was eligible but he didn’t respond to the offer.</p>
<p>2leashes, I agree with momofmv, if your daughter has a terrible rotation now, she will have a good rotation next quarter, when it will matter more. My daughter was in the same boat at this time last year (11th slot), and I felt the same way you do. The school had assigned her one class she did not need (she had fulfilled it in HS), but she was able to switch it. It wasn’t her first choice of a class, but she got her economics GE requirement out of the way. Scheduling at CP isn’t always fun, or easy, but it does seem to work out in the long run. It seems that the departments will also fight for the students to get the required classes they need as well.</p>
<p>Does anyone have an idea when they will officially post schedules online in the blackboard? I didn’t attend SOAR so i don’t know my true schedule.
(Yeah, i know the odd preliminary schedules are in the “grades” section)</p>
<p>This is posted on the portal: Advising tab, Freshman Registration tab</p>
<p><a href=“Cal Poly Admissions”>Cal Poly Admissions;
<p>Soar last day is Aug. 17</p>
<p>Did you try Student Center, Enrollment, View My WEEKLY Schedule?</p>
<p>Oh ok, that weekly schedule makes it look much simpler, thanks!
I hope that’s my final schedule, because class registration starts August 17th(for me atleast), which is the same day as the “official schedule” comes out on the blackboard.</p>
<p>Make sure you turn the view on top to expose early morning and also late night. Some here have found classes not on the orginal view (standard times of day).</p>
<p>Good luck! The first day registration is a good thing!</p>