Course Load?

<p>This is a question to help out my sister. What Course load should she take for her Senior Year in HS?</p>

<p>She's already got Chemistry completed and is in AP History but hasn't taken any other AP courses or the SATs yet. She also has Physics, Environment science,Trig, and a but of other requirements for her school. Also has 3 years of a Language and plans on taking a fouth year.</p>

<p>She wants to get into Emory,Boston College, and JHS.</p>

<p>Try to take advanced chem and/or advanced bio. Take anatomy if it is offered. </p>

<p>Nurses typically don’t have to take calc in college. Instead, they take stats. (However, some people argue that calc looks better for purely admissions purposes to a very selective college such as BC.)</p>

<p>As I remember, Boston College is very tough in granting AP credit.</p>

<p>For nursing, apply to lots of schools and apply as early as allowed.</p>

<p>Definitely take high level science classes. That should be your main focus. If you are going to take a math class then possibly take stats.</p>