<p>anyone take</p>
<p>CPO 2002x Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics (3)</p>
<p>s mentioned this one and it appears to cover both a cross cultural requirement as well as social science????</p>
<p>Any teacjer recommendations? Looks like a good one for the summer</p>
<p>Does any one in honors have any recommendations/feedback for honors classes, seminars and/or professors?</p>
<p>NYCOLLEGEDAD - so far that course CPO2002 says STAFF so for now the only thing you can go by is what time he wants to take it during session C.
Being a business major, your son will need to take two social science courses already ECO2013 and ECO2023 so I would suggest he pick a HISTORY or a HUMANITY that satisfy either an x (cross cultural) or y (diversity) and maybe even a W (writing) and/or * (literature) requirement.</p>
<p>Of course he could pick an English, Math or Science which he will need as well.</p>
<p>There are so many helpful parents and students on this board so I figured I would get some input from all of you. </p>
<p>I am a high school dual-enrollment student, and I will be entering FSU in the summer with 30 credits. I have taken ENC 1101 and 1102 (English Comp.), AMH 2010 and 2020 (U.S. History), SPC 2600 (Public Speaking), MAC 1105 (College Algebra), HUN 1270 (Sports Nutrition) already. This semester I am taking STA 2023 (Statistics), BSC 1005 (Gen. Biology - Non-major), and PSY 1012 (Gen. Psychology). So, I have a lot of my general ed. courses out of the way, with only a few more to go (Humanties, X, Y, computer class). One person at FSU said the Sports Nutrition class will transfer as a science credit, and one person said they do not know, and if it does not, then it will just transfer as an elective. As for the College Algebra, the day I took my final last semester, I received the letter in the mail saying I will automatically get the credit for the course based on my scores (Bummer - The score reached the 30 while I was taking the course).</p>
<p>I am here to find out what courses all of you consider to look into taking for summer and fall at FSU, with regards to my current status. I plan to major in Sport Management, and the pops says he wants to see me take on Business as well. So, I obviously have some pre-reqs that need to get out of the way. (Note - I also plan to assist the basketball program. That should take a good amount of time as well. Course load will be a factor.) </p>
<p>I appreciate the help. Thanks!</p>
<p>Yes you are well on your way with so many general education credits!
You will need to discuss this with your advisor but I know HUN1201 The Science of Nutrition (3) is a non-lab science so I am not sure is HUN1270 would count or just be an elective.</p>
<p>For Sports Management it seems you need to take PET2303C or other approved Anatomy & Psychology course and PET2622C in the first 2 years.</p>
<p>You could choose two humanity courses that count for X or Y and literature and W classes. The computer class is supposed to be pretty easy to take online like CGS2100. If you are going to try to double major in business you will need to start the prerequisites including MAC2233, ECO2013, ECO2023, ACG2021 and ACG2071. You have to have a minimum of 2.9 GPA.</p>
<p>Here is the map for Sports Management:
FSU</a> Undergraduate Academic Program Guide</p>
<p>Here is the map for Business Intent:
College</a> of Business | Undergraduate Programs Office | Business Intent Acadmic Maps</p>
<p>You have to pick a specific major once you are formally accepted into business and that determines your required courses.</p>
<p>Thanks cybermom!</p>
<p>I realized the whole Nutrition class dilemma after pretty much completing the course last semester. I could have taken the Science of Nutrition one instead, but I saw "Sports ____" and jumped right on it. I'm sure it would have been almost the same exact course and that's why I'm kicking myself for it. I would have known for sure that it would have been a gen. ed. science credit. Now, I'm sitting here waiting. </p>
<p>Besides the two science-related courses for Sports Management, I need a few business electives as pre-reqs as well. Where can I easily search for a list of that through the course search?</p>
<p>As for the Humanities, what are some suggestions (ones that cover Lit, X, Y, a few, both - all those crazy combos)? I don't know for sure, but I would believe I am done as far as Gordon Rule goes? Least amount of writing, the better. I think I need one more History/Social Science, because I rather just do the minimum for Humanities then doing one of those as an extra. I keep hearing about Human Geography, as it is also an X. </p>
<p>My sister is graduating this semester from FSU. She was in the Entrepreneurship Program in the College of Business. So, I'll be able to get some first-hand guidance as far as the Business courses go.</p>
<p>What good does the course lookup do now? Help?</p>
<p>FSUSPORTZGUY - College</a> of Business | Undergraduate Programs Office | Information for Lower-Division Business Intent Students has all the information about a business minor. These are the only courses you can take unless you are accepted into the major and even those limited choices are difficult to register for.</p>
<p>My son did not like humanities either. You have to take 5-11 credits and one has to meet the literature requirement.
Florida</a> State University Registrar</p>
<p>Human Geography is a social science and X.</p>
<p>You have two have 4 "W" Gordon Rule courses to satisfy the requirement. I thought you only had 2.</p>
<p>LAVITABASSA - you can start to review all of the liberal studies requirements and see what courses will be available that satisfy those requirements at the times/days you like.
<a href="https://cfprod.ais.fsu.edu/anr/CourseRequirementsView/index.cfm?ORIGIN=J&app=PUBLIC%5B/url%5D">https://cfprod.ais.fsu.edu/anr/CourseRequirementsView/index.cfm?ORIGIN=J&app=PUBLIC</a></p>
<p>Hi - I've ben reading all these posts, and wondering what my s should take over summer. He'll be majoring in Political Science, probably minoring in Business. Any suggestions? It's kind of overwhelming looking at the list. The only courses he has credit for are English (based on ACT score), US History (AP) and Govt. (AP). Does he have to decide now, or can we wait until orientation? Thanks for the help!</p>
<p>You're all really helpful! I'm still confused as to what exactly I need if I want to major in Art History. Like what are my Undergrad requirements? Are they the same for everyone? I'm in AP Calc this year but from the looks of it I doubt I'll pass the AP exam :( So what math do I take in college? I really need some enlightment.</p>
<p>GaNoleMom - your son will have the opportunity to meet with the political science advisor at orientation and they will help him set up his initial schedule before you go home. It is not necessary to be overwhelmed by trying to understand all the general education requirements or do anything right now.</p>
<p>Some CC'ers are just anxious to start planning asap.</p>
Here is the web site for the undergraduate Art History program.
fsu.edu</a> | The Department of Art History</p>
<p>They list an advisor, Dr. Adam Jolles, that you could email or call to find out more information.</p>
<p>Here is the art history academic map too: FSU</a> Undergraduate Academic Program Guide</p>
<p>I have taken ENC 1101 and 1102, and AMH 2010 and 2020. All of those are W.</p>
<p>I think you need four "W" writing courses in addition to the two English composition courses.</p>
<p>"To satisfy the requirements of Florida State University for Section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, students must also earn a grade of "Cā" or better in each of the courses used to fulfill the liberal studies requirements in Area I (mathematics), Area II (English composition), and four more liberal studies courses designated by the Undergraduate Policy Committee as requiring 3,000 words of writing (courses indicated with a "W");"</p>
<p>Ugh. All these requirements to fulfill.</p>
<p>The General Psychology that I am taking this semester at my CC is a gordon-rule class. But, I don't think FSU has it as a W. :(</p>
<p>I think it is strictly a social science :(</p>
<p>I was very overwhelmed when I first saw all the general education requirements but one nice thing FSU provides is an undergraduate graduation check facility where you can see what requirements are left for your current major or another major if you are thinking about changing. This really shows what progress you are making toward completion and what you have left to take.</p>
<p>The other nice tool is the academic maps and course requirements list for each major which give you a guide what you should take each semester and what prerequisites are needed for each upper level course.</p>
<p>Pretty much all of the Humanities/Fine Arts are W, so I wouldn't be able to get around it anyways, and that will make up the 2 more I would need. What courses did your son take for the Humanities, X, Y, and Social Science, if you don't mind me asking?</p>
<p>is there a way to access the undergraduate check on line to see what you have completed and what you still have left?</p>
<p>my s, will have credt for AP American, AP Environmental, AP Macro. He also took two courses he took at a local college last summer, intro to sociology and Intro to college math.</p>
<p>I suppose at orientation, his advisor will cover all of this with him, but we are trying to get him to plan ahead and start to think about what he wants to take.</p>
<p>he is also interested in the FIGS program for the fall. Do you know anything about these?</p>
"3" AMH 1000 (3)
"4" or "5" AMH 2010 (3) AMH 2020 (3) (6 credit HISTORY and 2 "W")</p>
"3", "4" or "5" GEO1331 (3) elective</p>
"3", "4" or "5" ECO2013 (3) social science and prereq for Business</p>
<p>SYG 1000 Introductory Sociology (3) (SOCIAL SCIENCE)</p>
<p>not sure about the Intro to College Math but business requires MAC1105 or higher and MAC2233 and STA2023</p>
<p>Sounds like he could take ECO2023, MAC1105, ENC1101, HUMANITY(x/y,W and/or Lit), Science (lab or non-lab), CGS2100 or ACG2021</p>
<p>My son decided not to do FIGS and just set up his own schedule but it could be a good way to meet like-minded people taking your major.</p>