course overlap in the curriculum

<p>So, I was looking through the requirements for students in the college of science. One GenEd requirement is a 2 course sequence. Another is taking a culture or diversity course. I noticed that the class I have taken while in high school called intro to philosophy fulfills the first part of the 2 course sequence requirement, and it also fulfills the culture course requirement. Does this mean that I have essentially fulfilled both requirements (I know I would still have to take the second course in the 2 course sequence)? Or does the class only count for one Gen-Ed requirement and not the other?</p>

<p>Generally, one course won’t count for two requirements. Because I’m sure there are more overlapping course requirements like that, but if one course counted for two requirements, you’d ultimately have less credits and that would mess up graduation and what not. You should ask your advisor to be sure though.</p>

<p>Also, does that class credit transfer to Purdue?</p>

<p>yes, it does. checked the transfer credit site.</p>

<p>also, i will have an extra 3 credit hours of credits due to AP exams since the credits wouldn’t fulfill any other requirements so i would still be on track for graduation if the intro to philosophy counted for 2 gened requirements.</p>