Course schedule and Work Study?

DS had accepted work study on his financial aid award. I know he will need to go to the job fair on campus and actively look for work.

He has been looking at classes for the fall, but when scheduling classes, how will this work with WS? Should he leave blocks of time open on certain days?

I did post this on the FB page, and only one person responded stating he should probably leave 1:30 to 5 pm open on MW&F to allow for working. I presume this means that the WS jobs are done during the day.?

Would scheduling classes around this time period be the best way to approach this? I know in his preliminary schedule, he had scheduled classes for this time period.

Hi Laralei - The 1:30 to 5:00 M-W-F is just one example. He might want to consider leaving a block of time on 2 or 3 days per week to allow for EASY scheduling of a work study job…such as 8:00 to 12:00 Noon on T-Th, etc. If his classes won’t allow for blocks of free time, then he’ll have to juggle a bit more – or be sure to grab evening hours that work study positions might offer. He simply has more work study job options if he allows for work during the 8:00 to 5:00 time frame. Yes, there are more work study options during the day. Don’t worry… there are LOTS of work study jobs! Best wishes!

Work study positions will try to work around students’ schedules, even if it means that the student works for an hour, goes to class, and comes back for 2-3 hours.

My work study positions were in offices open from 8:00 AM to 4:45 PM. For ease of scheduling, I tended to take more afternoon and evening classes so I could work during the day and all day on Friday (afternoon classes meet either MW or TR).

Departments really enjoy it when students can work Monday mornings and Friday afternoons as many students don’t want to work those hours.

I also know of students who were weekend desk clerks at one of the residence halls. A single 10-12 hour shift each week would allow a freshman to earn all of their work study funds.

Thanks to all for the advice. From what I could tell, DS was picking classes mainly based on schedule and not the professors, so he shouldn’t have a problem reworking it to allow for break periods during the day.

I personally like the idea of a weekend job. Probably at the desk job, in the residence halls, you would have a chance to study and you get your week’s worth of work hours done in one fell swoop. I would also think that a lot of students do not want to work weekends.

Work study jobs are almost always during the day and during the school week. I don’t know of any that are at night or weekends. If the residence hall desk jobs are work study, then that may be possible.

So, yes, a student needs to have some open blocks of time during the day during the school week to work.

Think of the types of jobs that are likely work study. Office and residence hall desk clerks have been mentioned, but I can think of other positions that would lean toward evenin/weekend hours. Dining hall, library, SupeStore.

^^^ I agree, that although most jobs are probably daytime hours, there exists the possibility that there are some weekend/ evening positions. Another possibility is perhaps there are some jobs at the rec center.

Well, I think it is not so much that evening jobs aren’t available, but that he would have more opportunities if he was available during the day.

Options are a good thing. :slight_smile: