Course Selection Advice

<p>For all you sophomores, juniors, and seniors out there, please give me some advice about course selection, which is next week. So far, it is looking like: </p>

1.AP Physics I (easier than Accelerated Physics, but replacing Physics B)
2.5 AP Bio
3.5. AP Euro
4.5. Pre Calc Honors
5. Lunch
5.5 Health
6. Driver’s Ed
7. English Accl
8. Spanish Accl</p>

1.AP Chem
2.AP English
3.AP Calc BC
4.AP Spanish
5.5 Lunch
7. AP Macro
8. AP Enviornmental </p>

1.5 AP Physics
2. AP Gov
3. AP English
4. AP Stats
4.5 Calc III Honors
5. Linear Algebra Honors
6. Gym
6.5 Lunch
7. Anatomy and Physiology Accl
8. AP Psych</p>

<p>OTHER: AP Music Theory, PLTW Digital Electronics, PLTW Principles of Engineering, AP Comp. Sci. ---these are my other options that I am considering down the road. </p>

<p>My main concern now is with my sophomore year. Can you all tell me about what I should expect in each of these classes? As a note, I would like to get into a BS/MD Medical Program or pre-med. And if relevant... Freshman year, though the classes are really easy, I have all A's. </p>

<p>Thanks for all replies! Much appreciated.</p>

<p>My opinion? You will be certifiably insane by the end of junior year, operating on little to no sleep, and for what? Read back through other posts about AP exams – statistics show that after a total of about 8 AP classes in high school, there is no additional bump in admission acceptances. Take the AP classes that interest you. Does your school only offer AP classes? 7 AP exams is way too many for junior year. Why would you be taking two science classes junior year? And how the heck does your school offer so many class periods anyway? 8 periods in a day??</p>

<p>Ok thanks. But, what if that is the most rigorous course load at my high school? Others from my school will have similar classes, and i wouldn’t</p>