Course Selection Advice?

I’m in quite a predicament with my IB schedule.

This is my current schedule:
HL Lang & Lit
HL Psychology
HL Bio

SL Spanish
SL Math
SL Chemistry

I’m trying to save myself from being extremely overwhelmed later in the DP program. Should I make adjustments? School has already started but I am able to change my classes within the first week, so time is ticking!

If I were to make changes, I would change SL Chemistry to SL ESS. I’m not sure what I want to study in the future, perhaps pharmacy or law (I know… quite different occupations).

History takes a lot of studying, so not having that in your schedule will help. Can you push one of your SL classes to senior year and take it then? Chemistry might be a good choice.
The bottom line is that this is a pretty typical schedule for DP. As long as you chose your HLs to fit your strengths, and you enjoy those classes, you’ll be alright. There’s no real easy way to game the system to make it easier, just learn to manage your time and prioritize.
Enjoy your years! I just graduated DP this year, and I figured out that IB is sometimes stressful and overwhelming, but it’s also tight-knit and teaches you a ton. Work hard, and it’ll be worth it.

You can usually only take 2 sl’s your first year. Also when are you taking TOK?

@whitespace Thank you so much, I’ll keep your advice in mind. Unfortunately, I have to stick with whatever 6 subjects I choose for junior and senior year. Congrats on graduating from the DP!

@VickiSoCal I’m taking TOK this year too. My school is set-up that all DP1 students must take 3 SL’s and 3 HL’s with the exception of some students taking 4 HL’s.

Yes daughters school requires 3 SL, 3HL, but most students take 2 SL their junior year and the last one their senior year. Leaving time senior year on EE

I took SL ES&S and really enjoyed it. If you are a more humanities based person, ES&S is a good choice as a scienc e because it is in between a hard science and a social science in terms of content.