Course selection c/o 2025

Debating about what courses I should take to give me best shot at Umich. GPA currently is average, about a 3.8, and looking for a boost junior year to give me best chance. I’m going to apply either finance or Econ, should I take normal Physics and have a easy shot at an A both semesters, or try AP Physics 1 and 2 with the possibility of lowering my gpa. Also I’ve taken 3 years of Spanish, considering taking Spanish 4 but I’m hesitant as it hurt my GPA freshman year. Thoughts?

I’m supplementing those classes with other AP classes such as Comp Sci principles and AP Psychology, I’m taking APUSH this year.

U of Michigan rates rigor at the highest level along with gpa. So you want both.

You don’t need to kill yourself but I would not take normal physics. I would take physics ahead of any computer science.

If you take normal physics you miss rigor so even a A does not help imho.

Good luck.

What math class are you taking Junior and senior year? Michigan is a very mathy school. You want to take the highest rigor and do well in it. If you feel you will get a B that is fine but what extra can you do to get an A? You also don’t need all As for Michigan. They want to see that you are challenging yourself. You are compared to your school. Talk to your School counselor and you can call Michigan and ask also.

I’m taking AP Calc AB junior year and AP Calc BC senior.

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