<p>Im currently choosing courses to take my senior year. If I took AP Stats instead of AP Calculus AB, would selective schools look down upon that? And would it be permissible to take an on level science class if Ive already exhausted all honors science courses (I'm not interested in any of the ap sciences offered)? Math and science are not my fields of interest, so I hope this won't be an issue. I will also be taking 5 other AP classes. Will selective schools see this as a soft schedule?</p>
<p>Of the “math” APs, Statistics < Calculus AB < Calculus BC in terms of how “hard” they are regarded, and how useful they tend to be in getting subject credit in university.</p>
<p>Note that calculus and/or calculus-based statistics may be required for some social studies majors, particularly business and economics.</p>