<p>This is my frist post here on CC. I would like to take this time to say HI to everyone. I have been reading quite a few posts after I stumble upon it on google. Very helpful. Thnx. Thnx.</p>
<p>Here in the transfer student section, and it seems that one should attain a high gpa to transfer to good schools such as UCLA bizcon/HAAS. My question is should I take English 101 honors, though english is my worst subject?</p>
<pre><code>Quick story about me. I am a high school dropout of 2001. After much partying and subpar jobs, I have decided to go back to school and accomplish something better in life--a college degree/education. After 5 years away from school, I attended OCC last fall to start (or restart, I failed my Calc I class 5 years ago) accumulating my GEs/prerequistes. Looking to major in business/finance.
<p>I took micro, macro, english 100, and philosophy 100 in the fall of 2007; and took acct 101 finanicial accounting and art 101; receiving all As. After completing those courses I had a talk with a counselor about my chances to get into the schools I listed above, and he had advised me about the honors program, which can increase your chances of getting in.</p>
<p>I need to take a certain amount of honors courses to be qualified. I am a full time working student; therefore, it is extremely hard for me to get into the honors classes that are offered. English 101H is one of the classes that was offered that fits my schedule. Now, eventhough I got an A in english 100(I think the class was just easy, supporting that theory was ratemyprofessor website), I am scare that I might get a B or C or hell, even a D in that class. Would it hurt me much?</p>
<p>One would suggest, why don't I just take other honors courses? That would be a great, only if my working schedule allows me to. Most honors courses are offered during the business hours.</p>
<p>What are good ways to increase your essay writing skills?</p>
<p>Oh, btw, another minor factor is that I would like to enchance my writing skills so when its time to write my college essays, I would do better in writing it then just taking another easy english class which would not help me.</p>
<p>How bad does an F in Calculus I look on your transcript, eventhough it is lined out and 5 years ago?</p>