<p>Son of a *****, evidently these section 500 professors suck (ratemyprofessor.com) I should probably switch out...</p>
<p>for those taking engin 100, if you can give ur profs name, then i can give you the general gossip surrounding the course (ie. workload, what the prof is like, etc)</p>
<p>in general, taking both engin100 and 101 is not a good idea. When I took engin100, orgo II ended up being the blowoff class.</p>
<p>I'm taking section 700 of ENGR 100 which is Space Systems with Washabaugh. His ratings seem to be pretty good, but the class will probably be a lot of work.</p>
<p>This was the article written in response to the one , which was linked in Meteorain's previous post. Scott Moore also wrote about in his blog. </p>
<p><a href="http://rossbba.blogspot.com/%5B/url%5D">http://rossbba.blogspot.com/</a>
'Ignore the article as a rant...........'</p>
<p>Any suggestions for good classes in English/Linguistics for a sophomore?</p>
<p>Also, what language would be good to take beside Spanish?</p>
<p>German, Chinese</p>
<p>German because Germany is the world's biggest exporting economy, great technical and manufacturing know-how. Chinese because...well, obvious reasons here.</p>
<p>I don't think Chinese is really worth it because you'd have to study it for 3-4 years just to be able to be decently proficient. </p>
<p>German is good though.</p>
<p>Also, how have you been man?</p>
<p>You should take Latin</p>
<p>Why so? I see how it helps with just about any other language, but it seems pretty hard to grasp</p>
<p>Be wary of learning Chinese, a lot of people underestimate how difficult it can be. I know a lot of people who say they want to learn Chinese upon coming to college, but they end up dropping after a semester or two. And i know a lot of people who have done this. It seems like they are all the same type too. </p>
<p>"I am going into business and I want to be competitive in China's growing economy so I'm going to learn Chinese for that sole purpose"</p>
<p>I dunno, you kinda need the drive to learn that language. I'm Chinese, I speak rather fluently, yet it still find it hard as balls to learn how to read and write.</p>
<p>same here. you really need to study abroad in china to learn the language.</p>
<p>What about Hindi? What's CC's general consensus on the language/ courses at Michigan?</p>
<p>“You should take Latin”</p>
<p>thanks tentai</p>
<p>should i take chinese so i can double major in engineering and asian studies?</p>
<p>i’m taking chinese. i like it, but the quality of instruction in lecture could be better.</p>
<p>i like latin, but most people hate it because it’s an inflected language.</p>
<p>econ 401, like orgo, is actually not hard.</p>