Course title mistake

Hey so I was just checking over my uc app and was wondering if I should report something. I had taken Chinese outside of my high school for foreign language credit. I had put Chinese 2 and added a level for each year on my uc application to fulfill the language requirement, but on my actual transcripts it says starting from Chinese 1. I was actually in Chinese 2 starting my freshmen year and so forth, but the school reported it as 1 b/c to go along with their own language classes at my high school. Should I report this to the schools I got accepted into (ucd and ucsd) or is it not much of a problem? If it is a problem would I be rescinded? Is this a major issue?

Someone please give me some advice :slight_smile: I’m freaking out inside that this will cause me my acceptance

Not major enough for you to be rescinded. Call each respective school just in case and let them know tho.

Update: called my colleges and they all said not to worry. They said it’s not a big deal, the most I might get is an email in the summer asking to explain but they said it won’t be a problem. The only issue they said would be if there was a grade mistake from like an A to a C.

Just thought I would post in case any future people read this and have some similar problem.