Courseload Rigorousness

<p>I will be a senior next year and I was planning on taking</p>

<p>AP Literature
AP Government/Economics
AP Calculus
AP French
AP European History
+ AP Chemistry</p>

<p>but our AP Art History teacher, sadly, died... i know, so sad, but
the reason i didn't take it this year is because she wasn't a good teacher. The teacher taking over AP Art History is very good and will make the class well-worth my time, while
i would like, also, to edit our prestigious high school newspaper..</p>

<p>AP Chemistry is the hardest class in our whole school.
and i, well, suck at math and science
and the smartest people in my class got B's in AP chem</p>

<p>so i've decided to change my schedule to</p>

<p>Zero period - AP Government/Economics
AP Literature
AP Calculus
AP French
AP European History
- AP Chemistry
+ AP Art History
+ Journalism</p>

<p>seven periods but i have already finished my art credit and journalism is just an elective which i have too many of!
then i don't have 4 years of high school science, so that looks bad to i'm scared of that.
but in truth i already have 5 years of science cause i have psychology, and abnormal psychology [jr. college].
plus i will have 4 years of high school math, over 5 years of history [including Harvard and jr. college courses] and over 5 years of foreign language [including middle school]. plus i think the college classes i take next year will be science.</p>

<p>it SHOULD be obvious to admissions that science & math are kind of.. in my way.. plus journalism is what i want to do as a career, since this will be my second summer with an internship. plus ap art history is still AP.</p>

<p>Any feedback at all will help me! even the shortest comment. I'd just really like to know what this change in my schedule will do for my chances at Yale EA. will it hurt me, make me look like i'm taking an easy way out, or like i'm wimping out of science which is "super" important to college admissions officers?</p>

<p>what should i do?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your time</p>

<p>You will be fine regardless of which schedule you choose.</p>