

<p>I was wondering what the regular course load is like at UBC. How many classes are taken a semester, how many credits, etc?</p>

<p>I want to take a lot of foreign language classes as well as major in international relations. How is the international relations major like at UBC and is it possible to take a lot of classes at a time.</p>

<p>For example, can you only take 5 classes a week, or is there a linitless amount of credits you can take?</p>



<p>I am better at answering the Science/Engineering type questions - however if you’re wondering how many classes you can take, well that’s really totally up to however much you can handle ;)</p>

<p>UBC usually sets a minimum number of courses that you must take to qualify as a full-time student (and hence be allowed to live on campus, etc). However, I don’t think there is any set maximum. </p>

<p>Of course, in practicality there are only so many courses one can take. I had a friend who did her IR Degree from UBC, and now she is quite successful back in her home country working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She was quite pleased with her degree, and she took German while doing her IR degree and got quite fluent in it too. Check out this website:[Course</a> Planning - Vancouver Calendar 2010/11 - UBC Student Services](<a href=“Welcome | UBC Academic Calendar”>Welcome | UBC Academic Calendar) for details on typical first year course loads and credit requirements. </p>

<p>Hope this helps! </p>
