
<p>I am wondering if anyone has any ideas for an "easy/bs" 3 credit science class OR humanities class I can enroll in for next semester.</p>

<p>And maybe teacher suggestions??</p>


<p>Classes at UW are not easy/ ‘bs’ classes, even the ‘easy’ classes with a high percentage of 'A’s require effort.</p>

<p>With that said, Entomology 201 (Insects and Human Culture) is a very easy science class, if you do the work (raising a moth from an egg - takes 60 days of journaling, measuring, taking pictures), and are present for random ‘attendance quizzes’ and a couple of bug identification quizzes, you can easily earn an A. Check the UW Madison Registrar Grade Distribution Reports for percentage of each grade by each lecture for each class at UW, by semester.</p>

<p>I took an anthropology class called Alcohol and Culture last year, I don’t know if it’s available every year though. It was extremely easy and I didn’t have to do anything, got an A. The professor was horribly awkward though. It’s a small class, three credits.</p>

<p>Intro to LGBT Studies is also RIDICULOUSLY easy. I only went to lecture three times and got an A. There are several (short) papers you have to write, but those don’t require attending lecture, there are no tests or anything. It’s three credits.</p>

<p>Contemporary American Society (Soc 125?) is not hard at all either, there are a few tests but nothing bad. Lots of people don’t like the prof though (he’s a pretty heavy socialist and sometimes it can feel like he’s shoving his views down your throat) but it’s not a hard class at all. It’s three credits.</p>

<p>Human Sexuality (Psych 160) is also really good, really interesting and relevant to everyday life but not hard at all. Take it with Janet Hyde if you can (although she may be going on sabbatical, I’m not sure) because she is hilarious. It’s four credits but you’d swear it’s only three…you definitely don’t do three credits of work. Great GPA booster.</p>