CP Parents: application is asking for AGI, please advise

So we are not applying for FA on any other application. Every NPC shows us paying full freight which is fine. However, owed to the vagaries of the tax code, our AGI is not remotely reflective of our financial position. The CP application is asking for AGI (seems like a mandatory field, which is odd?), but does not also ask for any information about assets, which would fill in the picture.

We’re OOS if it matters somehow. Just want to make sure that we won’t be considered for (or granted!) FA somehow because of a reported AGI. Related: not sure if they’re need aware but if so that could also hurt the application.

I believe that there should be a note somewhere on the page that if you don’t want to include income on the form, enter 999999 into the field?

AGI on the application may be used to offer application fee waivers.

Out-of-state students should not expect any financial aid at CSUs. CSUs are not need-aware in the usual sense, although some may have bonus points that correlate to high-need.

Unfortunately no such guidance that we can see there.

We wouldn’t want to unethically get into this pool.

Maybe we’ll enter 999999, but if anyone else has any thoughts I appreciate it.

Here’s a link with the info. Financial and Parental Information - Liaison

Under “Income Information”: If you don’t wish to include your income, enter $999,999.

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THANK YOU! Sorry was looking on the form page itself.

No problem, glad to help :+1:

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