CR section time issue

<p>When doing the SAT reading section I find it very hard to answer all the questions in the time allowed. Does anyone have advise on how to speed up the reading/answering the questions time.

<p>I usually read the questions quickly first (ignoring answer choices), underlining key phrases in the question as I go along, then skim the passage very quickly, underlining the same key phrases, before going back to look at the answer choices. Underlining as I read helps me focus on the specific info I need to answer the questions and ignore all the other useless facts.</p>

<p>What kind of stuff should people underline in the passages?</p>

<p>The method I use is this - read the passage quickly, answer any questions you can answer immediately with what you have read and mark questions that you cannot answer. Find the lines specified in the difficult questions and circle them in the passage. Now, answer those harder questions with the lines already circled. This always seem to work for me, but it may not work for you. Try different methods when you take practice tests and decide on the best strategy for you based on your performance.</p>