Craig and Galen Brown Scholarship

@TXRunningMom I’m a little surprised that DS didn’t at least get an interview being NMS and #1 in his class as well as engineering major. I know it doesn’t guarantee him the scholarship, but figured he would at least get an interview. Hmmm

@Texmomto4 , yes, my daughter received the President’s Endowment Scholarship. Did your son? That is one of the requirements along with the NMS that your son has. Congratulations on his NMS and Valedictorian status! It sounds like they also look for a lot of leadership and extracurricular activities. I do know they have access to everything on their TAMU application so they probably look at the essay as well. I’m not sure how they sift it all down to decide who to interview. It sounds like they will still have interviews in January as well so maybe your son just hasn’t been contacted yet. I only know of the 15 kids who interviewed last weekend and he mentioned doing a phone call interview the night before to someone from out of state. It is still early yet! Good luck to your son!

Good to know. Thank you! Big congrats to your daughter!!!

Has anyone who interviewed in December received word on the Brown scholarship?

@chercheur , I sent you a pm…

@AggieMom68 , did your daughter have her interview yet? How did it go?

she is having it this saturday

@AggieMom68 , How exciting! Good luck!

My daughter just got a letter asking for a phone interview. Have any of you heard anything yet since the interviews? Also @TXRunningMom we haven’t connected with your husband at the Brockman…

@2019odyssey , Congratulations! She should interview! Mr. Brown is awesome! He makes decisions quickly. Yes, my daughter has received an offer. I’m at the Brockman, not my husband. I just couldn’t meet for dinner with everybody so late in the evening. I’m an old fuddy duddy. In fact, I’m getting ready to go get something to eat now!

@TXRunningMom - maybe we did meet at some point? I kept busy the whole weekend - sure thought I’d crack the cover of at least one book or magazine!! There’s a lot to see! Trying to be optimistic - can you do both Brockman and Brown (obviously not double dip on the money but maybe the other perks)?

@2019odyssey , I have no idea! We might have! Maybe we should recommend for next year’s parents to wear name tags with their name, child’s name, and city! It was a busy weekend indeed. You are right in that they can’t do both scholarships because Brockman requires you to decline all other scholarships. But, regardless, I think the Brown and Brockman kids will all get along well together because they have so much in common! I’m sure they will end up running around in circles together with various things and being roommates, in honors classes, studying abroad, going to football games, etc.!

@2019odyssey My son is supposed to have a phone interview, but has not been given a time yet. The last communication was today asking for his phone number.

@Texmomto4 , Congratulations on the interview! Keep us posted! Same for you, @2019odyssey !!

My daughter has a phone interview tonight. @Texmomto4 were you at the Brockman weekend?? We are still hoping to hear on that!!

@2019odyssey. My son and husband went for Brockman Weekend. Wish I could’ve gone! We, too, are still waiting. Staying hopeful! But, we do know that Galen Brown would be an amazing opportunity as well. Best wishes to your daughter!

We are very happy that D received Crag and Brown offer. I do have a question for any current Craig and Brown Scholars regarding a benefit of having an interview for automatic conditional acceptance to A&M medical school: when will it be?