I’m a sophomore taking AP Euro. The exam is on the 18th, and I’ve barely started studying yet.
I just need to go over the actual history, and do not need to prep for writing (DBQ, SAQ, LEQ).
Any tips for last-minute cramming would be appreciated.
Also, I have trouble with memorizing dates and remembering the chronological order of some chunks of history (fellow AP Euro students know what I’m talking about) where there’s a lot of social/political/economic/etc cultural events happening all at once, which makes memorizing difficult. Any help with that would be appreciated too.
I also took WHAP last year, so I do have a broad understanding of Euro history.
Are you taking the class in school? I’m taking it right now, and I have the exam on the 18th as well. I’m using Barron’s to prep for the exam. I am not studying until after Monday though, because I have AP Psych on Monday.
@ab2002 Yes, I am. I am using Princeton Review to study. I plan to start studying tomorrow, but will not have much time to, since I have APCSP this Friday and finals the week after AP Euro. Good luck! 
I’m so gonna fail this exam
@mltiere Big mood. What topic are you studying rn? I’m on Henry VIII, so rip me
@needtosucceed27 napoleon, but im literally just watching videos of it all. idgaf anymore
We just finished our last unit (Cold War) on Wednesday. I feel like I’m ready, but I am definitely not ready for AP Psych. There are so many concepts that my teacher did not teach us. They wonder why the average score last year for our school was a 2.5 out of 5.
@ab2002 @mltiere I’m using the Princeton Review book from 2016-2017 school year. I got this from an upperclassmen friend because I didn’t want to waste my parents’ money buying a new book when the topics covered wouldn’t change a lot. Do you think there is a big difference between the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 SHE covered? I am aware of how the writing portions changed, and am just using PR to review content.