Cramming for AP Us History...

<p>i just finished my rea book today and need to finish my new revised amsco us history by friday... haha anyone in my situation or was previously? well i better get started</p>

<p>Do the stuff you're bad at first.</p>

<p>aite thanks</p>

<p>hmmm.. i guess read+ interpret the info well is too general? lol.. depends on ur ability and aptitude at history.. if u are one that loves it+has great memory u can just sit down and read the whole pr book in one sitting and retain it all... it depends also if you've been studying all yr like reading ur textbook or just starting now lol.. which would suck... ttly.. >< haha.. well i didnt take notes and didnt study at all for euro and got a 3.. apush i'll get a 5.. so it just depends lol</p>

<p>you need to be able to not only memorize the details, but also to categorize details. Like which detail belongs to which time period. Victory gardens --> WWII or Alphabet Soup ---> first 100 days in office/Keynesian Economics/stuff---> New Deal ---> FDR. Basically (from waht I remember) MC was pretty detailed and then for the short answer/DBQ it gave you a list of categories (time period, presidency, etc) and asked you for details. -_- so yeah basiclaly memorize stuff.</p>

<p>The</a> official United States History Cram Packet</p>

<p>This will also help you, just look over it now.</p>

<p>Try getting the Sparknotes APUSH PowerPack. It has two sparkcharts, which is essentially a better-prepared version of the United States History Cram Packet. It also has 300 notecards.</p>

<p>haha thanks guys.</p>

<p>Does anyone have the file saved? The website is over bandwith and I don't have it downloaded yet...</p>

<p>Lol, slacked off starting amsco today ;)</p>

<p>yeah can anyone tell me where to download that Crampacket.........its never available.</p>

<p>i am ganna update this thread everyday till friday, telling you guys of my progress. i got 680 more pages to go. good luck to all of you who are cramming</p>

<p>When studying, try to remember chronology too. It helps me greatly. I don't know if it's too late, but perhaps try Kaplan's flashcards (there's 500). They help me alot but thats just because I like flashcards..</p>

<p>Crampacket, anyone?</p>

<p>I wanna see the crampack too! I'm trying hard to get a good overall knowledge...can't slack off! ugh...</p>

<p> has a nice knockoff for the cram packet.</p>

<p>However, I'd recommend spending some money on some SparkCharts for U.S. History if you can.</p>

<p>I agree with Liist - the Sparknotes AP US power pack is pretty helpful</p>

<p>I wish that Geocities site was up, though...</p>

<p>search around on</p>

<p>PM me and I can email it to you.</p>

<p>how much does that guy who made the cram packet make off his website? lol</p>