<p>I just bought Crash Course and with one skim through it, I was awed. Very concise, informative, and overall just excellent. I just wanted to know, as a self-studier, is Crash Course good enough for a 5? What are your thoughts on the book/material?</p>
<p>The book states, 'Your Crash Course contains everything you need to know to score a 4 or a 5.'</p>
<p>Also, if it isn't enough, would supplementing AMSCO for major material (WWI + II, Vietnam, etc.) be sufficient?</p>
<p>You don’t need to know and memorize so many wars.</p>
<p>Just memorize Saratoga(French help), Antietam(Lincoln–>Proc Eman.), and Pearl Harbor(US adopts Germany first strategy) that enough is sufficient.</p>
<p>well… even though i have both books, i only used crash course because i’m short on time, and we just took a mock exam based on the actual 2001 exam, and not only did i get a 5, but i also got the highest grade in my class on the mcs, essays, and total composite raw score. so yeah, hopefully it will be good enough for a 5 on the real thing :)</p>
<p>jennieblue, the same thing actually happened to me!! well, then again, prolly not much of an accomplishment considering the intelligence of my class…</p>
<p>zaboda, seeing as you’re a self-studier, crash course may not be enough for you. i would suggest using at least rea/amsco to review some of the more important topics, such as hamilton, jackson, civil war, reganomics, etc. </p>
<p>there were at least 10 questions on the mc that i got right on my mock exam only because i remembered a glimmer of info from the my class/rea/amsco. with just crash course, wouldnt have stood a chance on those questions. so its prolly best to go with both :)</p>
<p>@zaboda42: wow, totally missed the part about you being a self-studier. in that case, yeah, get amsco. but at this point, only study what you don’t know enough about - you don’t have time to read more if you’re taking the friday exam.</p>
<p>@yodaguy4: wow, that’s awesome
lol, i know what you mean about class intelligence. i have a pretty smart history class but i feel that way in some of my other ap classes.</p>
<p>^I am a big Crash Course fan. But I do believe you should supplement it with some selected chapters from Amsco. I also like to read sample DBQ’s and FRQ’s at AP Central. Good luck!</p>
<p>What “selected” chapters would you recommend Old Hickory?</p>