Crazy Good News

<p>Crazy good news for the new Class of 2016 and ALL horned Frogs as posted by TCU News Now: Country music artist Blake Shelton will perform at TCU during a celebration for the new Amon G. Carter stadium called Opening Week.</p>

<p>TCU booked Shelton to play on the Dee J. Kelly Alumni Center lawn on Thursday, September 6 with Carter Stadium as the backdrop, Margaret Kelly, executive director of community relations, said.
The concert will take the place of the annual concert held in the Campus Commons, Brett Phillips, student activities coordinator, wrote in an email.</p>

<p>Student body president Brent Folan said Opening Week will start Monday, September 3 and end that Saturday after the stadium’s grand opening and the Frog’s first game against Grambling State.</p>

<p>“Obviously, going into the Big 12 and having a new stadium is going to make it one of the biggest weeks for athletics in the history of TCU,” Folan said. “So the whole week is going to have huge events.”</p>

<p>Each day of Opening Week is slated to be dedicated to TCU groups such as faculty/staff, students and alumni.</p>

<p>Folan said he is working with Director of Student Activities Kim Turner and a focus group of students to plan activities for Student Day.</p>

<p>There will also be special events just for donors of the Campaign for TCU scholarship fund, Julie Whitt wrote in an email, vice chancellor of donor relations.</p>

<p>“What we’re looking to do is build energy and excitement for the students about everything that’s going on related to the stadium and that first game,” Turner said.</p>

<p>Turner said Student Day is set for the Wednesday, September 5 of Opening Week and both she and Folan believe it will be one of the biggest and most exciting days.</p>

<p>The specifics of Student Day are not yet concrete, but Folan said he planned to have all activities finalized by the end of summer break. He said the group talked about providing free food, live music, photo opportunities and chances to win prizes or receive giveaways.</p>

<p>“I would just love to have the whole student body there,” Folan said. “If you’re free that night, this is not something that you want to miss because you’ll definitely regret it.”</p>

<p>On September 6 during Opening Week, a ribbon cutting and dedication for the newly renovated stadium will take place at 1 p.m. , Whitt wrote.</p>

<p>Following the event, tours of the stadium will be held until 3 p.m. , Kelly said. This will be Frog fans’ one chance to see the suits unless they are invited by the suit ticket holders.</p>

<p>“A stadium grand opening is so rare because it only happens once every 50 to 100 years,” Kelly said. “So, athletics and the chancellor were really excited about the event and wanted to make sure that excitement spilled over to everyone else.”</p>